Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines a class for selecting subsets of atoms.  You can read
this page in interactive sessions using ``help(select)``.

ProDy offers a fast and powerful atom selection class, :class:`.Select`.
Selection features, grammar, and keywords are similar to those of VMD.
Small differences, that is described below, should not affect most practical
uses of atom selections.  With added flexibility of Python, ProDy selection
engine can also be used to identify intermolecular contacts.  You may see
this and other usage examples in :ref:`contacts` and

First, we import everything from ProDy and parse a protein-DNA-ligand
complex structure:

.. ipython:: python

   from prody import *
   p = parsePDB('3mht')

:func:`.parsePDB` returns :class:`.AtomGroup` instances, ``p`` in this case,
that stores all atomic data in the file.  We can count different types of
atoms using :ref:`flags` and :meth:`~.AtomGroup.numAtoms` method as follows:

.. ipython:: python


Last two counts suggest that ligand has 26 atoms, i.e. number of :term:`hetero`
atoms less the number of :term:`water` atoms.

Atom flags

We select subset of atoms by using :meth:`` method.
All :ref:`flags` can be input arguments to this methods as follows:

.. ipython:: python'protein')'water')

This operation returns :class:`.Selection` instances, which can be an input
to functions that accepts an *atoms* argument.

Logical operators

Flags can be combined using ``'and'`` and ``'or'`` operators:

.. ipython:: python'protein and water')

``'protein and water'`` did not result in selection of :term:`protein` and
:term:`water` atoms.  This is because, no atom is flagged as a protein and a
water atom at the same time.

.. note::

   **Interpreting selection strings**

   You may think as if a selection string, such as ``'protein and water'``, is
   evaluated on a per atom basis and an atom is selected if it satisfies the
   given criterion.  To select both water and protein atoms, ``'or'`` logical
   operator should be used instead.  A protein or a water atom would satisfy
   ``'protein or water'`` criterion.

.. ipython:: python'protein or water')

We can also use ``'not'`` operator to negate an atom flag.  For example,
the following selection will only select ligand atoms:

.. ipython:: python'not water and hetero')

If you omit the ``'and'`` operator, you will get the same result:

.. ipython:: python'not water hetero')

.. note::

   **Default operator** between two flags, or other selection tokens that will
   be discussed later, is ``'and'``.  For example, ``'not water hetero'``
   is equivalent to ``'not water and hetero'``.

We can select Cα atoms of acidic residues by omitting the default logical
operator as follows:

.. ipython:: python

   sel ='acidic calpha')

Quick selections

For simple selections, such as shown above, following may be preferable over
the :meth:`` method:

.. ipython:: python


The result is the same as using ``'acidic calpha')``.  Underscore,
``_``, is considered as a whitespace.  The limitation of this approach is that
special characters cannot be used.

Atom data fields

In addition to :ref:`flags`, :ref:`fields` can be used in atom selections
when combined with some values.  For example, we can select Cα and Cβ atoms
of alanine residues as follows:

.. ipython:: python'resname ALA name CA CB')

Note that we omitted the default ``'and'`` operator.

.. note::

   **Whitespace** or **empty string** can be specified using an ``'_'``.
   Atoms with string data fields empty, such as those with no a chain
   identifiers or alternate location identifiers, can be selected using
   an underscore.

.. ipython:: python'chain _')  # chain identifiers of all atoms are specified in 3mht'altloc _')  # altloc identifiers for all atoms are empty

Numeric data fields can also be used to make selections:

.. ipython:: python'ca resnum 1 2 3 4')

A special case for residues is having insertion codes.  Residue numbers and
insertion codes can be specified together as follows:

  * ``'resnum 5'`` selects residue 5 (all insertion codes)
  * ``'resnum 5A'`` selects residue 5 with insertion code A
  * ``'resnum 5_'`` selects residue 5 with no insertion code

Number ranges

A range of numbers using ``'to'`` or Python style slicing with ``':'``:

.. ipython:: python'ca resnum 1to4')'ca resnum 1:4')'ca resnum 1:4:2')

.. note::

   **Number ranges** specify continuous intervals:

     * ``'to'`` is all inclusive, e.g. ``'resnum 1 to 4'`` means
       ``'1 <= resnum <= 4'``

     * ``':'`` is left inclusive, e.g. ``'resnum 1:4'`` means
       ``'1 <= resnum < 4'``

   Consecutive use of ``':'``, however, specifies a discrete range of numbers,
   e.g. ``'resnum 1:4:2'`` means ``'resnum 1 3'``

Special characters

Following characters can be specified when using :ref:`fields` for atom


For example, ``"name C' N` O~ C$ C#"`` is a valid selection string.

.. note::

   **Special characters** (``~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{}]\|;:,<>./?()'"``) must be
   escaped using grave accent characters (``````).

Negative numbers

Negative numbers and number ranges must also be escaped using grave accent
characters, since negative sign ``'-'`` is considered a special character
unless it indicates subtraction operation (see below).

.. ipython:: python'x `-25 to 25`')'x `-22.542`')

Omitting the grave accent character will cause a :exc:`.SelectionError`.

Regular expressions

Finally, you can specify regular expressions to select atoms based on
data fields with type string.  Following will select residues whose names
start with capital letter A

.. ipython:: python

   sel ='resname "A.*"')

.. note::

   **Regular expressions** can be specified using double quotes, ``"..."``.
   For more information on regular expressions see :mod:`re`.

Numerical comparisons

:ref:`fields` with numeric types can be used as operands in numerical

.. ipython:: python'x < 0')'occupancy = 1')

==========  =================================
Comparison  Description
==========  =================================
   <        less than
   >        greater than
   <=       less than or equal
   >=       greater than or equal
   ==       equal
   =        equal
   !=       not equal
==========  =================================

It is also possible to chain comparison statements as follows:

.. ipython:: python'-10 <= x < 0')

This would be the same as the following selection:

.. ipython:: python'-10 <= x and x < 0') =='-10 <= x < 0')

Furthermore, numerical comparisons may involve the following operations:

=========  ==================================
Operation  Description
=========  ==================================
x ** y     x to the power y
x ^ y      x to the power y
x * y      x times y
x / y      x divided by y
x // y     x divided by y (floor division)
x % y      x modulo y
x + y      x plus y
x - y      x minus y
=========  ==================================

These operations must be used with a numerical comparison, e.g.

.. ipython:: python'x ** 2 < 10')'x ** 2 ** 2 < 10')

Finally, following functions can be used in numerical comparisons:

========  ===================================
Function  Description
========  ===================================
abs(x)    absolute value of x
acos(x)   arccos of x
asin(x)   arcsin of x
atan(x)   arctan of x
ceil(x)   smallest integer not less than x
cos(x)    cosine of x
cosh(x)   hyperbolic cosine of x
floor(x)  largest integer not greater than x
exp(x)    e to the power x
log(x)    natural logarithm of x
log10(x)  base 10 logarithm of x
sin(x)    sine of x
sinh(x)   hyperbolic sine of x
sq(x)     square of x
sqrt(x)   square-root of x
tan(x)    tangent of x
tanh(x)   hyperbolic tangent of x
========  ===================================

.. ipython:: python'sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z)) < 100')  # within 100 A of origin

Distance based selections

Atoms within a user specified distance (A) from a set of user specified atoms
can be selected using ``'within . of .'`` keyword, e.g. ``'within 5 of water'``
selects atoms that are within 5 A of water molecules. This setting will
results selecting water atoms as well.

User can avoid selecting specified atoms using ``exwithin . of ..`` setting,
e.g. ``'exwithin 5 of water'`` will not select water molecules and is
equivalent to ``'within 5 of water and not water'``

.. ipython:: python'exwithin 5 of water') =='not water within 5 of water')

Sequence selections

One-letter amino acid sequences can be used to make atom selections.
``'sequence SAR'`` will select **SER-ALA-ARG** residues in a chain.  Note
that the selection does not consider connectivity within a chain.  Regular
expressions can also be used to make selections: ``'sequence "MI.*KQ"'`` will
select **MET-ILE-(XXX)n-ASP-LYS-GLN** pattern, if present.

.. ipython:: python

   sel ='ca sequence "MI.*DKQ"')

Expanding selections

A selection can be expanded to include the atoms in the same *residue*,
*chain*, or *segment* using ``same .. as ..`` setting, e.g.
``'same residue as exwithin 4 of water'`` will select residues that have
at least an atom within 4 A of any water molecule.

.. ipython:: python'same residue as exwithin 4 of water')

Additionally, a selection may be expanded to the immediately bonded atoms using
``bonded [n] to ...`` setting, e.g. ``bonded 1 to calpha`` will select atoms
bonded to Cα atoms.  For this setting to work, bonds must be set by the user
using the :meth:`.AtomGroup.setBonds` or :meth:`.AtomGroup.inferBonds` method.  
It is also possible to select bonded atoms by excluding the originating atoms 
using ``exbonded [n] to ...`` setting.  Number ``'[n]'`` indicates number of 
bonds to consider from the originating selection.

Selection macros

ProDy allows you to define a macro for any valid selection string.  Below
functions are for manipulating selection macros:

  * :func:`defSelectionMacro`
  * :func:`delSelectionMacro`
  * :func:`getSelectionMacro`
  * :func:`isSelectionMacro`

.. ipython:: python

   defSelectionMacro('alanine', 'resname ALA')'alanine') =='resname ALA')

You can also use this macro as follows:

.. ipython:: python


Macros are stored in ProDy configuration file permanently.  You can delete
them if you wish as follows:

.. ipython:: python


Keyword arguments

:meth:`` method also accepts keyword arguments that can simplify
some selections.  Consider the following case where you want to select some
protein atoms that are close to its center:

.. ipython:: python

   protein = p.protein
   sel1 ='sqrt(sq(x--21.17) + sq(y-35.86) + sq(z-79.97)) < 5')

Instead, you could pass a keyword argument and use the keyword in the
selection string:

.. ipython:: python

   sel2 ='within 5 of center', center=calcCenter(protein))
   sel1 == sel2

Note that selection string for *sel2* lists indices of atoms.  This
substitution is performed automatically to ensure reproducibility of the
selection without the keyword *center*.

Keywords cannot be reserved words (see :func:`.listReservedWords`) and must be
all alphanumeric characters."""

import sys
from re import compile as re_compile
   # for python>=3.3
   from import Iterable
except ImportError:
   # for python<3.3
   from collections import Iterable

import numpy as np
from numpy import array, ndarray, ones, zeros, arange
from numpy import invert, unique, concatenate, all, any
from numpy import logical_and, logical_or, floor, ceil, where

import pyparsing as pp
    from pyparsing import operatorPrecedence as operatorPrecedence
except ImportError:
    from pyparsing import infixNotation as operatorPrecedence

from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS, PY2K

from .atomic import Atomic
from .fields import ATOMIC_FIELDS
from .flags import PLANTERS as FLAG_PLANTERS

from .atomgroup import AtomGroup
from .chain import Chain, getSequence
from .atomic import AAMAP
from .pointer import AtomPointer
from .selection import Selection
from .segment import Segment
from .atommap import AtomMap

from prody.utilities import rangeString
from prody.kdtree import KDTree

if PY2K:
    range = xrange

NUMB = 0 # Select instance will not really evaluate string for the atoms

def debug(sel, loc, *args):

    if DEBUG:
        if args:
            print(args[0], args[1:])
        print(' ' * (loc + 1) + '^')

__all__ = ['Select', 'SelectionError', 'SelectionWarning',
           'defSelectionMacro', 'delSelectionMacro', 'getSelectionMacro',


MACROS = SETTINGS.get('selection_macros', {})

[docs]def isSelectionMacro(word): """Returns **True** if *word* is a user defined selection macro.""" try: return word in MACROS except: return False
[docs]def defSelectionMacro(name, selstr): """Define selection macro *selstr* with name *name*. Both *name* and *selstr* must be string. An existing keyword cannot be used as a macro name. If a macro with given *name* exists, it will be overwritten. .. ipython:: python defSelectionMacro('cbeta', 'name CB and protein')""" if not isinstance(name, str) or not isinstance(selstr, str): raise TypeError('both name and selstr must be strings') elif isReserved(name): raise ValueError('{0} is a reserved word and cannot be used as a ' 'macro name'.format(repr(name))) elif not (name.isalpha() and name.islower()): raise ValueError('macro names must be all lower case letters, {0} ' 'is not a valid macro name'.format(repr(name)))'Testing validity of selection string.') try: except SelectionError: LOGGER.warn('{0} is not a valid selection string, macro {1} is not' 'defined.'.format(repr(selstr), repr(name))) else:"Macro {0} is defined as {1}." .format(repr(name), repr(selstr))) MACROS[name] = selstr SETTINGS['selection_macros'] = MACROS
[docs]def delSelectionMacro(name): """Delete the macro *name*. .. ipython:: python delSelectionMacro('cbeta')""" try: MACROS.pop(name) except: LOGGER.warn("Macro {0} is not found.".format(repr(name))) else: if MACROS_REGEX is not None: MACROS_REGEX.pop(name, None)"Macro {0} is deleted.".format(repr(name))) SETTINGS['selection_macros'] = MACROS
[docs]def getSelectionMacro(name=None): """Returns the definition of the macro *name*. If *name* is not given, returns a copy of the selection macros dictionary.""" if name is None: return MACROS.copy() try: return MACROS[name] except KeyError:"{0} is not a user defined macro name." .format(repr(name)))
def replaceMacros(selstr): global MACROS_REGEX if MACROS_REGEX is None: MACROS_REGEX = {} selstr = ' ' + selstr + ' ' if MACROS: for name, macro in MACROS.items(): # PY3K: OK re = MACROS_REGEX.setdefault(name, re_compile('[( )]' + name + '[( )]')) for match in re.finditer(selstr): start, end = match.start(), match.end() match = selstr[start:end] selstr = (selstr[:start] + match[0] + '(' + macro+ ')' + match[-1] + selstr[end:]) return selstr[1:-1] def checkSelstr(selstr, what, error=ValueError): """Check *selstr* if it satisfies a selected condition. For now, only whether coordinate/distance based selection are checked. If *error* is a subclass of :exc:`Exception`, an exception will be raised, otherwise return **True** or **False** will be returned.""" selstr = selstr.replace('(', ' ( ') selstr = selstr.replace(')', ' ) ') if what in set(['dist']): for item in selstr.split(): if item in XYZDIST: if issubclass(error, Exception): raise error('invalid selection {0}, coordinate ' 'based selections are not accepted' .format(repr(selstr))) else: return False
[docs]class SelectionError(Exception): """Exception raised when there are errors in the selection string.""" def __init__(self, sel, loc=0, msg='', tkns=None): if tkns: for tkn in tkns: tkn = str(tkn) if sel.count(tkn, loc) == 1: loc = sel.index(tkn, loc) msg = ("An invalid selection string is encountered:\n{0}\n" .format(repr(sel)) + ' ' * (loc + 1) + '^ ' + msg) Exception.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class SelectionWarning(Warning): """A class used for issuing warning messages when potential typos are detected in a selection string. Warnings are issued to ``sys.stderr`` via ProDy package logger. Use :func:`.confProDy` to selection warnings *on* or *off*, e.g. ``confProDy(selection_warning=False)``.""" def __init__(self, sel='', loc=0, msg='', tkns=None): if SETTINGS.get('selection_warning', True): if tkns: for tkn in tkns: tkn = str(tkn) if sel.count(tkn, loc) == 1: loc = sel.index(tkn, loc) msg = ('Selection string contains typo(s):\n' '{0}\n '.format(repr(sel)) + ' ' * loc + '^ ' + msg) LOGGER.warn(msg)
FIELDS_SYNONYMS = {'chid': 'chain', 'fragment': 'fragindex', 'resid': 'resnum', 'secstr': 'secondary', 'segname': 'segment'} XYZ2INDEX = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} FUNCTIONS = { 'sqrt' : np.sqrt, 'sq' : lambda num: np.power(num, 2), 'abs' : np.abs, 'floor' : np.floor, 'ceil' : np.ceil, 'sin' : np.sin, 'cos' : np.cos, 'tan' : np.tan, 'asin' : np.arcsin, 'acos' : np.arccos, 'atan' : np.arctan, 'sinh' : np.sinh, 'cosh' : np.cosh, 'tahn' : np.tanh, 'exp' : np.exp, 'log' : np.log, 'log10' : np.log10, } OPERATORS = { '+' : np.add, '-' : np.subtract, '*' : np.multiply, '/' : np.divide, '%' : np.remainder, '>' : np.greater, '<' : np.less, '>=' : np.greater_equal, '<=' : np.less_equal, '=' : np.equal, '==' : np.equal, '!=' : np.not_equal, } SAMEAS_MAP = {'residue': 'resindex', 'chain': 'chindex', 'segment': 'segindex', 'fragment': 'fragindex'} # maybe a value to a field/data label or field label XYZ = set(['x', 'y', 'z']) XYZDIST = set(['x', 'y', 'z', 'within', 'exwithin']) OR = pp.Keyword('or') AND = pp.Keyword('and') WORD = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + '''~@#$.:;_'`,''') _ = list(FUNCTIONS) FUNCNAMES = set(_) kwfunc = pp.Keyword(_[0]) FUNCNAMES_OPLIST = kwfunc FUNCNAMES_EXPR = ~kwfunc for func in _[1:]: kwfunc = pp.Keyword(func) FUNCNAMES_OPLIST = FUNCNAMES_OPLIST | kwfunc FUNCNAMES_EXPR += ~kwfunc RE_SCHARS = re_compile('`[\w\W]*?`') PP_SCHARS = pp.Regex(RE_SCHARS) def specialCharsParseAction(sel, loc, token): token = token[0][1:-1] if not token: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, '`` is invalid, no special characters') if ':' in token or 'to' in token: try: token = PP_NRANGE.parseString(token)[0] except pp.ParseException: pass return token PP_SCHARS.setParseAction(specialCharsParseAction) RE_REGEXP = re_compile('"[\w\W]*"') PP_REGEXP = pp.Regex(RE_REGEXP.pattern) def regularExpParseAction(sel, loc, token): token = token[0] if token == '""': raise SelectionError(sel, loc, '"" is invalid, no regular expression') try: regexp = re_compile(token[1:-1]) except: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'failed to compile regular ' 'expression {0}'.format(repr(token))) else: return regexp PP_REGEXP.setParseAction(regularExpParseAction) _ = '[-+]?\d+(\.\d*)?([eE]\d+)?' RE_NRANGE = re_compile(_ + '\ *(to|:)\ *' + _) PP_NRANGE = pp.Group(pp.Regex(RE_NRANGE.pattern) + pp.Optional(pp.Regex('(\ *:\ *' + _ + ')'))) def rangeParseAction(sel, loc, tokens): tokens = tokens[0] debug(sel, loc, '_nrange', tokens) token = tokens[0] sep = ':' if ':' in token else 'to' first, last = token.split(sep) try: start = int(first) except ValueError: start = float(first) try: stop = int(last) except ValueError: stop = float(last) if start > stop: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'range start value ({0}) is greater ' 'than stop value ({1})' .format(repr(start), repr(stop))) elif start == stop: if sep == ':': raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'range start value ({0}) is greater ' 'than or equal to stop value ({1})' .format(repr(start), repr(stop))) else: return first if sep == 'to': comp = '<=' elif len(tokens) == 1: comp = '<' else: try: comp = int(tokens[1][1:]) except ValueError: comp = float(tokens[1][1:]) return 'range', start, stop, comp PP_NRANGE.setParseAction(rangeParseAction) UNARY = set(['not', 'bonded', 'exbonded', 'within', 'exwithin', 'same'])
[docs]class Select(object): """Select subsets of atoms based on a selection string. See :mod:`` module documentation for selection grammar and examples. This class makes use of pyparsing_ module.""" def __init__(self): self._ag = None self._atoms = None self._indices = None self._n_atoms = None self._selstr = None self._coords = None self._kwargs = None # set True when selection string alone cannot reproduce the selection self._ss2idx = False self._data = dict() self._replace = False self._parsers = {} self._evalmap = {'resnum': self._resnum, 'resid': self._resnum, 'serial': self._serial, 'index': self._index, 'x': self._generic, 'y': self._generic, 'z': self._generic, 'chid': self._generic, 'secstr': self._generic, 'fragment': self._generic, 'fragindex': self._generic, 'segment': self._generic, 'segname': self._generic, 'sequence': self._sequence, } def _reset(self): self._ag = None self._atoms = None self._indices = None self._n_atoms = None self._coords = None self._data.clear() def _evalAtoms(self, atoms): self._atoms = atoms try: self._ag = atoms.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: self._ag = atoms self._indices = None else: self._indices = atoms._getIndices() if len(self._indices) == 1: try: index = atoms.getIndex() except AttributeError: pass else: self._atoms = Selection(self._ag, array([index]), 'index ' + str(index), atoms.getACSIndex())
[docs] def select(self, atoms, selstr, **kwargs): """Returns a :class:`.Selection` of atoms matching *selstr*, or **None**, if selection string does not match any atoms. :arg atoms: atoms to be evaluated :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic` :arg selstr: selection string :type selstr: str Note that, if *atoms* is an :class:`.AtomMap` instance, an :class:`.AtomMap` is returned, instead of a a :class:`.Selection`. .. note: * A special case for making atom selections is passing an :class:`.AtomMap` instance as *atoms* argument. Dummy atoms will not be included in the result, but the order of atoms will be preserved.""" self._ss2idx = False self._replace = False self._selstr = selstr indices = self.getIndices(atoms, selstr, **kwargs) self._kwargs = None if len(indices) == 0: return None if not isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup): indices = self._indices[indices] ag = self._ag try: dummies = atoms.numDummies() except AttributeError: if self._ss2idx: selstr = 'index {0}'.format(rangeString(indices)) else: if self._replace: for key, value in kwargs.items(): # PY3K: OK if value in ag and key in selstr: if value == ag: ss = 'all' else: ss = value.getSelstr() selstr = selstr.replace(key, '(' + ss + ')') if isinstance(atoms, AtomPointer): selstr = '({0}) and ({1})'.format(selstr, atoms.getSelstr()) return Selection(ag, indices, selstr, atoms.getACSIndex(), unique=True) else: return AtomMap(ag, indices, atoms.getACSIndex(), dummies=dummies, title='Selection {0} from '.format(repr(selstr)) + str(atoms))
[docs] def getIndices(self, atoms, selstr, **kwargs): """Returns indices of atoms matching *selstr*. Indices correspond to the order in *atoms* argument. If *atoms* is a subset of atoms, they should not be used for indexing the corresponding :class:`.AtomGroup` instance.""" ss = selstr.strip() if (len(ss.split()) == 1 and ss.isalnum() and ss not in MACROS): self._evalAtoms(atoms) if ss == 'none': return array([]) elif ss == 'all': return arange(atoms.numAtoms()) elif atoms.isFlagLabel(ss): return atoms._getFlags(ss).nonzero()[0] elif atoms.isDataLabel(ss) or ss in self._evalmap: raise SelectionError(selstr, 0, 'must be followed by values', [ss]) else: raise SelectionError(selstr, 0, 'is not a valid selection ' 'string', [ss]) else: torf = self.getBoolArray(atoms, selstr, **kwargs) return torf.nonzero()[0]
[docs] def getBoolArray(self, atoms, selstr, **kwargs): """Returns a boolean array with **True** values for *atoms* matching *selstr*. The length of the boolean :class:`numpy.ndarray` will be equal to the length of *atoms* argument.""" if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic): raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0}' .format(type(atoms))) self._reset() for key in kwargs: if not key.isalnum(): raise TypeError('{0} is not a valid keyword argument, ' 'keywords must be all alpha numeric ' 'characters'.format(repr(key))) if isReserved(key): loc = selstr.find(key) if loc > -1: raise SelectionError(selstr, loc, '{0} is a reserved ' 'word and cannot be used as a keyword argument' .format(repr(key))) self._n_atoms = atoms.numAtoms() self._selstr = selstr self._kwargs = kwargs if DEBUG: print('getBoolArray', selstr) self._evalAtoms(atoms) selstr = selstr.strip() if (len(selstr.split()) == 1 and selstr.isalnum() and selstr not in MACROS): if selstr == 'none': return zeros(atoms.numAtoms(), bool) elif selstr == 'all': return ones(atoms.numAtoms(), bool) elif atoms.isFlagLabel(selstr): return atoms.getFlags(selstr) elif atoms.isDataLabel(selstr): raise SelectionError(selstr, 0, 'must be followed by values') else: raise SelectionError(selstr, 0, 'is not a valid selection or ' 'user data label') selstr = replaceMacros(selstr) try: parser = self._getParser(selstr) tokens = parser(selstr, parseAll=True) except pp.ParseException as err: self._parsers.pop(self._parser, None) pass which = selstr.rfind(' ', 0, err.column) if which > -1: if selstr[which + 1] == '(': msg = ('an arithmetic, comparison, or logical operator ' 'must precede the opening parenthesis') elif selstr[which - 1] == ')': msg = ('an arithmetic, comparison, or logical operator ' 'must follow the closing parenthesis') else: msg = 'parsing failed here' else: msg = 'parsing failed here' raise SelectionError(selstr, err.column, msg + '\n' + str(err)) else: if DEBUG: print('_evalSelstr', tokens) torf = tokens[0] if not isinstance(torf, ndarray): if DEBUG: print(torf) raise SelectionError(selstr) elif torf.dtype != bool: if DEBUG: print('_select torf.dtype', torf.dtype, isinstance(torf.dtype, bool)) raise SelectionError(selstr) if DEBUG: print('_select', torf) return torf
def _getParser(self, selstr): """Returns an efficient parser that can handle *selstr*.""" alnum = selstr alpha = selstr for ch in selstr: if not ch.isalnum(): alnum = alnum.replace(ch, ' ') if not ch.isalpha(): alpha = alpha.replace(ch, ' ') items = set(alnum.split()) chars = set(selstr) funcs = 4 if items.intersection(FUNCNAMES) else 0 opers = 2 if chars.intersection(OPERATORS) else 0 logic = 1 if 'or' in items or '(' in chars else 0 schars = 8 if '`' in chars and else 0 regexp = 16 if '"' in chars and else 0 nrange = 32 if ((':' in chars or ' to ' in alpha) and else 0 self._parser = key = (logic + opers + funcs, logic + funcs + schars + regexp + nrange) if key == (0, 0): return self._noParser try: return self._parsers[key][0].parseString except KeyError: pass word = ~AND + ~OR oplist = [] if funcs: oplist.append((FUNCNAMES_OPLIST, 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT, self._func)) # following causes 20% slow down #word += FUNCNAMES_EXPR if funcs or opers: oplist.extend([ (pp.oneOf('+ -'), 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT, self._sign), (pp.oneOf('** ^'), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, self._pow), (pp.oneOf('* / %'), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, self._binop), (pp.oneOf('+ -'), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, self._binop), (pp.oneOf('< > <= >= == = !='), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, self._comp)]) oplist.extend([ (pp.Optional(AND), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, self._and), (OR, 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, self._or)]) word += WORD expr = word if schars: expr = PP_SCHARS | expr if regexp: expr = PP_REGEXP | expr if nrange: expr = PP_NRANGE | expr parser = operatorPrecedence(expr, oplist) parser.setParseAction(self._default) parser.leaveWhitespace() parser.enablePackrat() self._parsers[key] = parser, expr, oplist return parser.parseString def _noParser(self, selstr, parseAll=True): debug(selstr, 0, ['_noParser']) return [self._default(selstr, 0, selstr.split())] def _getZeros(self, subset=None): """Returns a bool array with zero elements.""" if subset is None: return zeros(self._atoms.numAtoms(), bool) else: return zeros(len(subset), bool) def _default(self, sel, loc, tokens): debug(sel, loc, '_default', tokens) if NUMB: return if len(tokens) == 1: torf, err = self._eval(sel, loc, tokens) else: torf, err = self._and2(sel, loc, tokens) if err: raise err return torf def _eval(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_eval', tokens) if NUMB: return #if isinstance(tokens, ndarray): # return tokens if len(tokens) == 1: token = tokens[0] try: dtype = token.dtype except AttributeError: pass else: return token, False if token == 'none': return zeros(self._n_atoms if subset is None else len(subset), bool), False elif token == 'all': return ones(self._n_atoms if subset is None else len(subset), bool), False elif self._atoms.isFlagLabel(token): return self._getFlags(token, subset), False elif self._atoms.isDataLabel(token): data, err = self._getData(sel, loc, token) if subset is None: return data, False else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'subset??') return data[subset], False try: arg = self._kwargs[token] except KeyError: try: return float(token), False except ValueError: data, err = self._getData(sel, loc, token) if data is not None: return data, False if token in ATOMIC_FIELDS: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} data is ' 'not found'.format(repr(token)), [token]) else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} could ' 'not be evaluated'.format(repr(token)), [token]) else: if arg in self._ag: try: dummies = arg.numDummies() except AttributeError: try: indices = arg._getIndices() except AttributeError: indices = arange(self._ag.numAtoms()) else: if dummies: indices = arg._getIndices()[arg.getFlags('mapped')] else: indices = arg._getIndices() torf = zeros(self._ag.numAtoms(), bool) torf[indices] = True if self._indices is not None: torf = torf[self._indices] self._replace = True return torf, False return token, False else: return self._evalmap.get(tokens[0], self._generic)( sel, loc, tokens, subset) def _getFlags(self, label, subset): if subset is None: # get a copy to avoid alterations return self._atoms.getFlags(label) else: return self._atoms._getFlags(label)[subset] def _or(self, sel, loc, tokens): debug(sel, loc, '_or', tokens) tokens = tokens[0] if NUMB: return flags = [] torfs = [] evals = [] atoms = self._atoms isFlagLabel = atoms.isFlagLabel isDataLabel = atoms.isDataLabel for token in tokens: # check whether token is an array to avoid array == str comparison try: dtype = token.dtype except AttributeError: if token == 'or': continue elif isFlagLabel(token): flags.append(token) elif isDataLabel(token) or token in self._evalmap: evals.append([]) evals[-1].append(token) else: try: evals[-1].append(token) except IndexError: raise SelectionError(sel, loc) else: if dtype == bool: torfs.append(token) else: try: evals[-1].append(token) except IndexError: raise SelectionError(sel, loc) torf = None if torfs: torf = torfs.pop(0) while torfs: ss = where(torf == 0)[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf torf[ss] = torfs.pop(0)[ss] if flags: if torf is None: torf = atoms.getFlags(flags.pop(0)) while flags: ss = where(torf == 0)[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf torf[ss] = atoms._getFlags(flags.pop(0))[ss] if evals: if torf is None: tokens = evals.pop(0) first = str(tokens[0]) torf, err = self._eval(sel, loc, tokens) if err: raise err try: dtype = torf.dtype except AttributeError: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) else: if dtype != bool: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) while evals: ss = where(torf == 0)[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf tokens = evals.pop(0) first = str(tokens[0]) arr, err = self._eval(sel, loc, tokens, subset=ss) if err: raise err try: dtype = arr.dtype except AttributeError: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) else: if dtype != bool: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) torf[ss] = arr return torf def _and(self, sel, loc, tokens): debug(sel, loc, '_and', tokens) tokens = tokens[0] torf, err = self._and2(sel, loc, tokens) if err: raise err return torf def _and2(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_and2', tokens) if NUMB: return firsttoken = tokens[0] if not isinstance(tokens[0], Iterable) else list(tokens[0]) lasttoken = tokens[-1] if not isinstance(tokens[-1], Iterable) else list(tokens[-1]) if firsttoken == 'and' or lasttoken == 'and': return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} operator must be ' 'surrounded with arguments'.format(repr('and')), [tokens[0]]) flags = [] torfs = [] evals = [] unary = [] atoms = self._atoms isFlagLabel = atoms.isFlagLabel isDataLabel = atoms.isDataLabel append = None wasand = False wasdata = False while tokens: # check whether token is an array to avoid array == str comparison token = tokens.pop(0) try: dtype = token.dtype except AttributeError: if token == 'and': if wasand: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'incorrect use ' 'of `and` operator, expected {0}' .format(repr('and ... and')), ['and', 'and']) append = None wasand = True wasdata = False continue elif isFlagLabel(token) and not wasdata: flags.append(token) append = None elif (isDataLabel(token) or token in self._evalmap or token in ATOMIC_FIELDS): # not evals, must start a new list # last evals list must have more than one values # if not evals: evals.append([]) append = evals[-1].append elif len(evals[-1]) == 1: if token in XYZ: pass else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} ' 'must be followed by values' .format(evals[-1][0]), [evals[-1][0]]) elif token in XYZ: if (not tokens or tokens[0] in self._evalmap or tokens[0] in ATOMIC_FIELDS or isDataLabel(tokens[0]) or tokens[0] == 'and'): pass else: try: float(tokens[0]) except ValueError as err: pass else: evals.append([]) append = evals[-1].append elif not tokens: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} ' 'must be followed by values' .format(token), [token]) else: evals.append([]) append = evals[-1].append append(token) wasdata = True elif token in UNARY: unary.append([]) append = unary[-1].append wasdata = False if token == 'not': append((token,)) elif token == 'same': if len(tokens) < 3 or tokens[1] != 'as': return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'incorrect ' 'use of `same as` statement, expected {0}' .format('same entity as ...'), [token]) append((token, tokens.pop(0), tokens.pop(0))) elif token.endswith('within'): if len(tokens) < 3 or tokens[1] != 'of': return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'incorrect ' 'use of `within` statement, expected {0}' .format('[ex]within x.y of ...'), [token]) append((token, tokens.pop(0), tokens.pop(0))) elif token.endswith('bonded'): token2 = tokens.pop(0) if len(tokens) < (1 + int(token2 == 'to')): return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'incorrect ' 'use of `bonded` statement, expected {0}' .format('[ex]bonded [n] to ...'), [token2]) if token2 == 'to': append((token, 'to')) else: append((token, token2, tokens.pop(0))) anyargs = False while tokens: next = tokens[0] try: dtype = next.dtype except AttributeError: append(tokens.pop(0)) if next == 'and' or isFlagLabel(next): break if isDataLabel(next) or next in self._evalmap: if anyargs: break else: anyargs = True else: append(tokens.pop(0)) break else: try: append(token) except TypeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluation token {0}' .format(repr(token)), [token]) else: if dtype == bool: torfs.append(token) else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluation token {0}' .format(repr(token)), [token]) wasand = False torf = None if torfs: torf = torfs.pop(0) while torfs: ss = torf.nonzero()[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf, False torf[ss] = torfs.pop(0)[ss] if flags: if torf is None: torf = atoms.getFlags(flags.pop(0)) while flags: ss = torf.nonzero()[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf, False torf[ss] = atoms._getFlags(flags.pop(0))[ss] if unary: if torf is None: torf, err = self._unary(sel, loc, unary.pop(0)) if err: return None, err while unary: ss = torf.nonzero()[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf, False arr, err = self._unary(sel, loc, unary.pop(0)) if err: return None, err torf[ss] = arr[ss] if evals: if torf is None: tokens = evals.pop(0) first = str(tokens[0]) torf, err = self._eval(sel, loc, tokens, subset=subset) if err: return None, err try: dtype = torf.dtype except AttributeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) else: if dtype != bool: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) while evals: ss = torf.nonzero()[0] if len(ss) == 0: return torf, False tokens = evals.pop(0) first = str(tokens[0]) arr, err = self._eval(sel, loc, tokens, subset=ss) if err: return None, err try: dtype = arr.dtype except AttributeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) else: if dtype != bool: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'a problem ' 'occurred when evaluating token {0}' .format(repr(first)), [first]) torf[ss] = arr # ?? check torf.shape/ndim if subset is None: return torf, False else: return torf[subset], False def _unary(self, sel, loc, tokens): debug(sel, loc, '_unary', tokens) if NUMB: return what = tokens[0] which = tokens[1:] if not which: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' .format(repr(' '.join(what))), what) if len(which) == 1: which, err = self._eval(sel, loc, which) else: which, err = self._and2(sel, loc, which) if err: raise err tokens = [what, which] if what[0] == 'not': return self._not(sel, loc, tokens) elif what[0] == 'same': return self._sameas(sel, loc, tokens) elif what[-1] == 'to': return self._bondedto(sel, loc, tokens) else: return self._within(sel, loc, tokens) def _not(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Negate selection.""" debug(sel, loc, '_not', tokens) label, torf = tokens return invert(torf, torf), False def _within(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Perform distance based selection.""" if DEBUG: print('_within', tokens) label, which = tokens within = label[1] label = ' '.join(label) try: within = float(within) except Exception as err: return None, SelectionError('could not convert {0} in {1} to ' 'float ({2})'.format(within, repr(label), str(err)), [label, within]) exclude = label.startswith('ex') other = False try: dtype = which.dtype except AttributeError: if which in self._kwargs: coords = self._kwargs[which] try: ndim, shape = coords.ndim, coords.shape except AttributeError: try: coords = coords._getCoords() except AttributeError: try: coords = coords.getCoords() except AttributeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} must be a coordinate array or have ' '`getCoords` method'.format(repr(which)), [label, which]) if coords is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'coordinates are not set for {0} ({1})' .format(repr(which), repr(self._kwargs[which])), [label, which]) else: ndim, shape = coords.ndim, coords.shape if ndim == 1 and shape[0] == 3: coords = array([coords]) elif not (ndim == 2 and shape[1] == 3): return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} must be a coordinate array or have ' '`getCoords` method'.format(repr(which)), [label, which]) exclude=False self._ss2idx = True which = arange(len(coords)) other = True else: if dtype == bool: which = which.nonzero()[0] coords = self._getCoords() if coords is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'coordinates are ' 'not set') else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'not understood') if other or len(which) < 20: kdtree = self._atoms._getKDTree() get_indices = kdtree.getIndices search = get_count = kdtree.getCount torf = zeros(self._ag.numAtoms(), bool) for index in which: search(within, coords[index]) if get_count(): torf[get_indices()] = True if self._indices is not None: torf = torf[self._indices] if exclude: torf[which] = False else: n_atoms = self._atoms.numAtoms() torf = ones(n_atoms, bool) torf[which] = False check = torf.nonzero()[0] torf = zeros(n_atoms, bool) cxyz = coords[check] kdtree = KDTree(coords[which]) search = get_count = kdtree.getCount select = [] append = select.append for i, xyz in enumerate(cxyz): search(within, xyz) if get_count(): append(i) torf[check[select]] = True if not exclude: torf[which] = True return torf, False def _sameas(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Evaluate ``'same entity as ...'`` expression.""" debug(self, loc, '_sameas', tokens) label, which = tokens what = label[1] label = ' '.join(label) index = SAMEAS_MAP.get(what) if index is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'entity in "same ... as" ' 'must be one of "chain", "residue", "segment", or "fragment",' ' not {0}'.format(repr(what)), [label]) indices, err = self._getData(sel, loc, index) iset = set(indices[which]) torf = array([i in iset for i in indices], bool) return torf, False def _bondedto(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Expand selection to immediately bonded atoms.""" debug(sel, loc, '_bondedto', tokens) label, torf = tokens token = label[1] label = ' '.join(label) if token == 'to': repeat = 1 else: try: repeat = int(token) except TypeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} in {0} could not ' 'be converted to an integer'.format(token, repr(label)), [label]) else: if float(token) != repeat: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, 'number in {0} should be an ' 'integer'.format(repr(label)), [label]) if repeat <= 0: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, 'number in {0} should be a ' 'positive integer'.format(repr(label)), [label]) return zeros(self._atoms.numAtoms(), bool), False bmap = self._ag._bmap if bmap is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'bonds are not set', [label]) which = torf.nonzero()[0] if not len(which): return torf, False indices = self._indices if indices is not None: bmap = bmap[indices] n_atoms = self._ag.numAtoms() for i in range(repeat): torf = zeros(n_atoms, bool) bonded = unique(bmap[which]) if bonded[0] == -1: torf[bonded[1:]] = True else: torf[bonded] = True if indices is not None: torf = torf[indices] if label.startswith('ex'): torf[which] = False else: torf[which] = True if i + 1 < repeat: which = torf.nonzero()[0] return torf, False def _getNumeric(self, sel, loc, arg, copy=False): """Returns numeric data or a number.""" debug(sel, loc, '_getNumeric', arg) # arg may be an array, a string, or a regular expression try: dtype, ndim = arg.dtype, arg.ndim except AttributeError: pass else: # i don't expect that a string array may show up if dtype == bool: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'operands and function ' 'arguments must be numbers or numeric data labels') else: return arg, False # no regular expressions try: pattern = arg.pattern except AttributeError: pass else: return None, SelectionError(sel, sel.index(pattern, loc), 'operands and function arguments cannot be regular expressions') if arg in XYZ2INDEX: coords = self._getCoords() # how about atoms._getCoords() ? if coords is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'coordinates are not set') else: if copy: return coords[:, XYZ2INDEX[arg]].copy(), False else: return coords[:, XYZ2INDEX[arg]], False arg = FIELDS_SYNONYMS.get(arg, arg) try: if copy: data = self._atoms.getData(arg) else: data = self._atoms._getData(arg) except Exception as err: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'following exception ' 'occurred when evaluating {0}: {1}' .format(repr(arg), str(err))) if data is not None: if data.dtype.char in 'US': return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} is not a numeric ' 'data label'.format(repr(arg))) else: return data, False if arg == 'index': try: if copy: return self._atoms.getIndices(), False else: return self._atoms._getIndices(), False except AttributeError: return arange(self._atoms.numAtoms()), False try: return float(arg), False except Exception as err: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} is not a number or a ' 'numeric data label' .format(repr(arg), )) def _comp(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Perform comparison.""" tokens = tokens[0] debug(sel, loc, '_comp', tokens) if NUMB: return if len(tokens) >= 3 and len(tokens) % 2 != 1: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'invalid number of operators and operands') left, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop(0)) if err: raise err torf = None while tokens: try: binop = OPERATORS[tokens.pop(0)] except KeyError: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'invalid operator encountered') right, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop(0)) if err: raise err if torf is None: torf = binop(left, right) else: logical_and(binop(left, right), torf, torf) left = right # check whether atomic data was contained in comparison # i.e. len(atoms) == len(torf) try: ndim, shape = torf.ndim, torf.shape except AttributeError: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'comparison must contain atomic data') else: if ndim != 1 or shape[0] != self._atoms.numAtoms(): raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'comparison must contain atomic data') else: return torf def _binop(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Perform binary operation.""" tokens = tokens[0] debug(sel, loc, '_binop', tokens) if NUMB: return if len(tokens) >= 3 and len(tokens) % 2 != 1: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'invalid number of items') left, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop(0), copy=True) if err: raise err while tokens: binop = tokens.pop(0) if binop not in OPERATORS: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'invalid operator encountered') right, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop(0)) if err: raise err if DEBUG: print(binop, left, right) if binop == '/' and any(right == 0.0): raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'zero division error') binop = OPERATORS[binop] try: ndim = left.ndim except: left = binop(left, right) else: # ndim must not be zero for in place operation if ndim: binop(left, right, left) else: left = binop(left, right) return left def _pow(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Perform power operation. Expected operands are numbers and numeric atom attributes.""" tokens = tokens[0] debug(sel, loc, '_pow', tokens) if NUMB: return base, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop(0)) if err: raise err power, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop()) if err: raise err if tokens.pop() not in ('^', '**'): raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'invalid power operator') while tokens: number, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens.pop()) if err: raise err power = number ** power if tokens.pop() not in ('^', '**'): raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'invalid power operator') return base ** power def _sign(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Change the sign of a selection argument.""" tokens = tokens[0] debug(sel, loc, '_sign', tokens) if NUMB: return if len(tokens) != 2: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, 'sign operators (+/-) must be followed ' 'by single keyword, e.g. "-x", "-beta"') arg, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens[1]) if err: raise err if tokens[0] == '-': arg = -arg return arg def _func(self, sel, loc, tokens): """Evaluate functions used in selection strings.""" tokens = list(tokens[0]) debug(sel, loc, '_func', tokens) if NUMB: return if len(tokens) != 2: raise SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} accepts a single numeric ' 'argument, e.g. {0}(x)'.format(repr(tokens[0]))) arg, err = self._getNumeric(sel, loc, tokens[1]) if err: raise err debug(sel, loc, tokens[0], arg) return FUNCTIONS[tokens[0]](arg) def _generic(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_generic', tokens) label = tokens.pop(0) data, err = self._getData(sel, loc, label) if err: return None, err if subset is not None: data = data[subset] subset = None dtype = data.dtype type_ = dtype.type isstr = dtype.char == 'S' or dtype.char == 'U' if isstr: maxlen = int(dtype.str[2:]) torf = None regexp = [] values = [] ranges = [] valset = True for token in tokens: # check for regular expressions which are only compatible with # string data type try: token.pattern except AttributeError: pass else: if not isstr: ptrn = '"{0}"'.format(token.pattern) SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} is a regular ' 'expression and is not evaluated for {1}' .format(ptrn, repr(label)), [label, ptrn]) else: regexp.append(token) continue # check for ranges if token[0] == 'range': if isstr: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, 'number ranges ' 'are not evaluated with data type of {0}' .format(repr(label)), [label, token[1]]) else: if token[-1] in OPERATORS: ranges.append(token) else: nrange = arange(*token[1:]) # if dtypes are not the same, don't use set method if nrange.dtype != dtype: valset = False values.extend(nrange) continue if isstr: if token == '_': values.append('') values.append(' ') else: if len(token) > maxlen: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} is longer than the ' 'maximum characters for data field {1}' .format(repr(token), repr(label)), [label, token]) values.append(token) else: try: value = type_(token) except Exception as err: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} could not be ' 'converted to type of {1} ({2})' .format(repr(token), repr(label), str(err)), [label, token]) continue try: val2 = float(token) except: pass else: if val2 != value: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} has a different ' 'values when converted to a float and to type of ' '{1}'.format(repr(token), repr(label)), [label, token]) values.append(value) if values: # use first option only if values and data array has the same dtype if valset and len(values) > 10: valset = set(values) torf = array([val in values for val in data], bool) else: torf = data == values.pop(0) for val in values: subset = (torf == False).nonzero()[0] if len(subset) == 0: return torf, False torf[subset] = data[subset] == val if ranges: while ranges: _, start, stop, comp = ranges.pop(0) if torf is None: torf = start <= data else: subset = (torf == False).nonzero()[0] if len(subset) == 0: return torf, False subdata = data[subset] torf[subset] = start <= subdata if subset is None: torf = logical_and(torf, OPERATORS[comp](data, stop), torf) else: torf[subset] = logical_and(torf[subset], OPERATORS[comp](subdata, stop)) if regexp: for re in regexp: if torf is None: torf = array([re.match(val) is not None for val in data], bool) else: subset = (torf == False).nonzero()[0] if len(subset) == 0: return torf, False torf[subset] = [re.match(val) is not None for val in data[subset]] if torf is None: torf = self._getZeros(subset) return torf, False def _index(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_index', tokens) label = tokens.pop(0) torf = zeros(self._ag.numAtoms(), bool) for token in tokens: try: remainder = token % 1. except TypeError: pass else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'it is a number, index') if remainder == 0: try: torf[token] = True except IndexError: pass else: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' 'integers and/or number ranges'.format(repr(label)), [label, token]) continue try: token.pattern except AttributeError: pass else: ptrn = '"{0}"'.format(token.pattern) SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} is a regular ' 'expression and is not evaluated for {1}' .format(ptrn, repr(label)), [label, ptrn]) continue if token[0] == 'range': _, start, stop, step = token if step in OPERATORS: if step == '<=': stop += 1 step = 1 if start % 1.0 != 0 or stop % 1.0 != 0 or step % 1.0 != 0: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} number ranges should be ' 'specified by integers'.format(repr(label)), [label, str(start)]) torf[start:stop:step] = True continue try: val = float(token) except TypeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} must be ' 'followed by integers and/or number ranges', [label, token]) else: if val % 1.0 == 0: try: torf[int(val)] = True except IndexError: pass else: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' 'integers and/or number ranges'.format(repr(label)), [label, token]) try: indices = self._atoms._getIndices() except AttributeError: pass else: torf = torf[indices] if subset is not None: torf = torf[subset] return torf, False def _serial(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_serial', tokens) label = tokens.pop(0) sn2i = self._ag._getSN2I() if sn2i is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, 'serial numbers are not set', ['serial']) torf = zeros(len(sn2i), bool) for token in tokens: try: remainder = token % 1. except TypeError: pass else: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '??? it is a number, serial') if remainder == 0: try: torf[token] = True except IndexError: pass else: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' 'integers and/or number ranges'.format(repr(label)), [label, token]) continue try: pattern = token.pattern except AttributeError: pass else: ptrn = '"{0}"'.format(pattern) SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} is a regular ' 'expression and is not evaluated for {1}' .format(ptrn, repr(label)), [label, ptrn]) continue if token[0] == 'range': _, start, stop, step = token if step in OPERATORS: if step == '<=': stop += 1 step = 1 if start % 1.0 != 0 or stop % 1.0 != 0 or step % 1.0 != 0: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} number ranges should be ' 'specified by integers'.format(repr(label)), [label, str(start)]) torf[start:stop:step] = True continue try: val = float(token) except TypeError: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} must be ' 'followed by integers and/or number ranges', [label, token]) else: if val % 1.0 == 0: try: torf[int(val)] = True except IndexError: pass else: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' 'integers and/or number ranges'.format(repr(label)), [label, token]) indices = sn2i[torf] indices = indices[where(indices != -1)[0]] if len(indices) == 0: return self._getZeros(subset), False torf = zeros(self._ag.numAtoms(), bool) torf[indices] = True try: indices = self._atoms._getIndices() except AttributeError: pass else: torf = torf[indices] if subset is not None: torf = torf[subset] return torf, False def _resnum(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_resnum', tokens) label = tokens.pop(0) resnums, err = self._getData(sel, loc, 'resnum') if err: return None, err wicode = set([]) values = ['resnum'] for token in tokens: try: pattern = token.pattern except AttributeError: pass else: ptrn = '"{0}"'.format(pattern) SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} is a regular expression and ' 'its use with {1} is not recommended' .format(ptrn, repr(label)), [label, ptrn]) continue if token[0] == 'range': values.append(token) continue try: value = float(token) except (TypeError, ValueError): icode = token[-1] value = token[:-1] try: value = int(value) except: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' 'integers, number ranges, or integer and insertion ' 'code combinations, e.g. {1}' .format(repr(label), repr('10A')), [label, token]) else: wicode.add((value, '' if icode == '_' else icode)) else: if value != int(token): SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} must be followed by ' 'integers and/or number ranges'.format(repr(label)), [label, token]) values.append(token) torf = None if len(values) > 1: torf, _ = self._generic(sel, loc, values, subset) if wicode: icode, err = self._getData(sel, loc, 'icode') if err: return None, err if subset is None: rnic = zip(resnums, icode) # PY3K: OK else: rnic = zip(resnums[subset], icode[subset]) # PY3K: OK if torf is None: torf = array([val in wicode for val in rnic], bool) else: torf = logical_or(torf, array([val in wicode for val in rnic], bool), torf) return torf, False def _sequence(self, sel, loc, tokens, subset=None): debug(sel, loc, '_sequence', tokens) label = tokens.pop(0) regexp = [] for token in tokens: try: token.pattern except AttributeError: if not token.isalpha() or not token.isupper(): SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} does not look like a ' 'valid sequence'.format(repr(token)), [label, token]) try: token = re_compile(token) except Exception as err: SelectionWarning(sel, loc, '{0} could not be compiled ' 'as a regular expression for sequence evaluation' .format(repr(token)), [label, token]) else: regexp.append(token) else: regexp.append(token) if not regexp: return self._getZeros(subset), False calpha = self._atoms.calpha if calpha is None: return self._getZeros(subset), False matches = [] for chain in iter(HierView(calpha)): sequence = chain.getSequence() indices = chain._getIndices() for re in regexp: for match in re.finditer(sequence): matches.extend(indices[match.start():match.end()]) if matches: torf = zeros(self._ag.numAtoms(), bool) torf[matches] = True if self._indices is not None: torf = torf[self._indices] torf = self._sameas(sel, loc, [('same', 'residue', 'as'), torf])[0] if subset is None: return torf, False else: return torf[subset], False else: return self._getZeros(subset), False def _getData(self, sel, loc, keyword): """Returns atomic data.""" data = self._data.get(keyword) if data is not None: return data, False try: idx = XYZ2INDEX[keyword] except KeyError: pass else: data = self._getCoords() if data is not None: data = data[:,idx] self._data[keyword] = data return data, False if keyword == 'index': try: data = self._atoms._getIndices() except AttributeError: data = arange(self._atoms.numAtoms()) self._data['index'] = data return data, False field = ATOMIC_FIELDS.get(FIELDS_SYNONYMS.get(keyword, keyword)) if field is None: data = self._atoms._getData(keyword) if data is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} is not a valid ' 'data label'.format(repr(keyword))) elif not isinstance(data, ndarray) and data.ndim == 1: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} is not a 1d ' 'array'.format(repr(keyword))) else: try: data = getattr(self._atoms, '_get' + field.meth_pl)() except Exception as err: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, str(err)) if data is None: return None, SelectionError(sel, loc, '{0} is not set' .format(repr(keyword))) self._data[keyword] = data return data, False def _getCoords(self): """Returns coordinates of atoms.""" if self._coords is None: self._coords = self._atoms._getCoords() return self._coords def _getAnisous(self): """Returns anisotropic temperature factors of atoms.""" if self._anisous is None: self._anisous = self._atoms._getAnisous() return self._anisous