Source code for prody.dynamics.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines plotting functions for protein dynamics analysis.

Plotting functions are called by the name of the plotted data/property
and are prefixed with ``show``.  Function documentations refers to the
:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot` function utilized for actual plotting.  Arguments
and keyword arguments are passed to the Matplotlib functions."""

from collections import defaultdict
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np

from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS, PY3K
from prody.utilities import showFigure, addEnds, showMatrix
from prody.atomic import AtomGroup, Selection, Atomic, sliceAtoms, sliceAtomicData

from .nma import NMA
from .gnm import GNMBase, GNM
from .mode import Mode, VectorBase, Vector
from .modeset import ModeSet
from .analysis import calcSqFlucts, calcProjection, calcRMSFlucts
from .analysis import calcCrossCorr, calcCovariance, calcPairDeformationDist
from .analysis import calcFractVariance, calcCrossProjection, calcHinges
from .perturb import calcPerturbResponse
from .compare import calcOverlap
from .lda import LDA
from .logistic import LRA

__all__ = ['showContactMap', 'showCrossCorr', 'showCovarianceMatrix',
           'showCumulOverlap', 'showFractVars',
           'showCumulFractVars', 'showMode',
           'showOverlap', 'showOverlaps', 'showOverlapTable', 
           'showProjection', 'showCrossProjection', 
           'showEllipsoid', 'showSqFlucts', 'showRMSFlucts', 'showScaledSqFlucts', 
           'showNormedSqFlucts', 'resetTicks',
           'showPerturbResponse', 'showTree', 'showTree_networkx',
           'showAtomicMatrix', 'pimshow', 'showAtomicLines', 'pplot', 

[docs]def showEllipsoid(modes, onto=None, n_std=2, scale=1., *args, **kwargs): """Show an ellipsoid using :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D .plot_wireframe`. Ellipsoid volume gives an analytical view of the conformational space that given modes describe. :arg modes: 3 modes for which ellipsoid will be drawn. :type modes: :class:`.ModeSet`, :class:`.PCA`, :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.NMA` :arg onto: 3 modes onto which ellipsoid will be projected. :type modes: :class:`.ModeSet`, :class:`.PCA`, :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.NMA` :arg n_std: Number of standard deviations to scale the ellipsoid. :type n_std: float :arg scale: Used for scaling the volume of ellipsoid. This can be obtained from :func:`.sampleModes`. :type scale: float""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D if not isinstance(modes, (NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('modes must be a NMA or ModeSet instance, ' 'not {0}'.format(type(modes))) if not modes.is3d(): raise ValueError('modes must be from a 3-dimensional model') if len(modes) != 3: raise ValueError('length of modes is not equal to 3') if onto is not None: if not isinstance(onto, (NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('onto must be a NMA or ModeSet instance, ' 'not {0}'.format(type(onto))) if not onto.is3d(): raise ValueError('onto must be from a 3-dimensional model') if len(onto) != 3: raise ValueError('length of onto is not equal to 3') if onto.numAtoms() != modes.numAtoms(): raise ValueError('modes and onto must have same number of atoms') u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100) var = modes.getVariances() #randn = np.random.standard_normal((1000, 3)) #coef = ((randn ** 2 * var).sum(1) ** 0.5).mean() #scale=float(n_std)*modes.numAtoms()**.5 * float(rmsd) / coef * var **.5 scale = float(n_std) * scale * var ** 0.5 #scale=float(n_std)*modes.numAtoms()**.5*float(rmsd)/var.sum()**.5*var**.5 x = scale[0] * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)) y = scale[1] * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)) z = scale[2] * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)) if onto is not None: change_of_basis =, onto._getArray()) xyz = np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()]) xyz =, change_of_basis) x = xyz[:,0].reshape((100,100)) y = xyz[:,1].reshape((100,100)) z = xyz[:,2].reshape((100,100)) cf = plt.gcf() show = None for child in cf.get_children(): if isinstance(child, Axes3D): show = child break if show is None: show = cf.add_subplot(111,projection="3d") show.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, rstride=6, cstride=6, *args, **kwargs) if onto is not None: onto = list(onto) show.set_xlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(onto[0])+1)) show.set_ylabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(onto[1])+1)) show.set_zlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(onto[2])+1)) else: modes = list(modes) show.set_xlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[0])+1)) show.set_ylabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[1])+1)) show.set_zlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[2])+1)) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showFractVars(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show fraction of variances using :func:``. Note that mode indices are incremented by 1.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(modes, (ModeSet, NMA)): raise TypeError('modes must be NMA, or ModeSet, not {0}' .format(type(modes))) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() fracts = calcFractVariance(modes) fracts = [(int(mode), fract) for mode, fract in zip(modes, fracts)] fracts = np.array(fracts) show =[:,0]+0.5, fracts[:,1], *args, **kwargs) axis = list(plt.axis()) axis[0] = 0.5 axis[2] = 0 axis[3] = 1 plt.axis(axis) plt.xlabel('Mode index') plt.ylabel('Fraction of variance') plt.xlim(fracts[0,0]-0.5,fracts[-1,0]+1.5) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showCumulFractVars(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show fraction of variances of *modes* using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot. plot`. Note that mode indices are incremented by 1. See also :func:`.showFractVars` function.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(modes, (Mode, NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('modes must be a Mode, NMA, or ModeSet instance, ' 'not {0}'.format(type(modes))) if isinstance(modes, Mode): indices = modes.getIndices() + 0.5 modes = [modes] elif isinstance(modes, ModeSet): indices = modes.getIndices() + 0.5 else: indices = np.arange(len(modes)) + 0.5 if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() fracts = calcFractVariance(modes).cumsum() show = plt.plot(indices, fracts, *args, **kwargs) axis = list(plt.axis()) axis[0] = -0.5 axis[2] = 0 axis[3] = 1 plt.axis(axis) plt.xlabel('Mode index') plt.ylabel('Fraction of variance') if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showProjection(ensemble=None, modes=None, projection=None, *args, **kwargs): """Show a projection of conformational deviations onto up to three normal modes from the same model. :arg ensemble: an ensemble, trajectory or a conformation for which deviation(s) will be projected, or a deformation vector :type ensemble: :class:`.Ensemble`, :class:`.Conformation`, :class:`.Vector`, :class:`.Trajectory` :arg modes: up to three normal modes :type modes: :class:`.Mode`, :class:`.ModeSet`, :class:`.NMA` :keyword show_density: whether to show a density histogram or kernel density estimate rather than a 2D scatter of points or a 1D projection by time (number of steps) on the x-axis. This option is not valid for 3D projections. Default is **True** for 1D and **False** for 2D to maintain old behaviour. :type show_density: bool :keyword use_weights: whether to use weights in a density histogram or kernel density estimate or for the size of points in 2D scatter of points or a 1D projection by time (number of steps) on the x-axis. This option is not valid for 3D projections. Default is **False** to maintain old behaviour. :type use_weights: bool :keyword weights: weights for histograms or point sizes Default is to use ensemble.getData('size') :type weights: int, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :keyword color: a color name or a list of color names or values, default is ``'blue'`` :type color: str, list :keyword label: label or a list of labels :type label: str, list :keyword marker: a marker or a list of markers, default is ``'o'`` :type marker: str, list :keyword linestyle: line style, default is ``'None'`` :type linestyle: str :keyword text: list of text labels, one for each conformation :type text: list :keyword fontsize: font size for text labels :type fontsize: int The projected values are by default converted to RMSD. Pass ``rmsd=False`` to use projection itself. Matplotlib function used for plotting depends on the number of modes: * 1 mode: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist` * 2 modes: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` * 3 modes: :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.scatter`""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: fig = plt.figure() rmsd = kwargs.pop('rmsd', True) norm = kwargs.pop('norm', False) if projection is None: projection = calcProjection(ensemble, modes, rmsd, norm) use_weights = kwargs.pop('use_weights', False) if use_weights: if ensemble is not None: weights = kwargs.pop('weights', ensemble.getData('size')) else: weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) else: weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) weights = None num = projection.shape[0] use_labels = kwargs.pop('use_labels', True) labels = kwargs.pop('label', None) if labels is None and use_labels and modes is not None: if isinstance(modes, (LDA, LRA)): labels = modes._labels.tolist()'using labels from LDA modes') elif isinstance(modes.getModel(), (LDA, LRA)): labels = modes.getModel()._labels.tolist()'using labels from LDA model') if labels is not None and len(labels) != num: raise ValueError('label should have the same length as ensemble') c = kwargs.pop('c', 'b') colors = kwargs.pop('color', c) colors_dict = {} if isinstance(colors, np.ndarray): colors = tuple(colors) if isinstance(colors, (str, tuple)) or colors is None: colors = [colors] * num elif isinstance(colors, list): if len(colors) != num: raise ValueError('length of color must be {0}'.format(num)) elif isinstance(colors, dict): if labels is None: raise TypeError('color must be a string or a list unless labels are provided') colors_dict = colors colors = [colors_dict[label] for label in labels] else: raise TypeError('color must be a string or a list or a dict if labels are provided') if labels is not None and len(colors_dict) == 0: cycle_colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] for i, label in enumerate(set(labels)): colors_dict[label] = cycle_colors[i % len(cycle_colors)] colors = [colors_dict[label] for label in labels] if projection.ndim == 1 or projection.shape[1] == 1: by_time = not kwargs.pop('show_density', True) by_time = kwargs.pop('by_time', by_time) if by_time: show = plt.plot(range(len(projection)), projection.flatten(), *args, **kwargs) if use_weights: kwargs['s'] = weights if labels is not None and use_labels: for label in set(labels): kwargs['c'] = colors_dict[label] inds = np.nonzero(np.array(labels) == label)[0] show = plt.scatter(inds, projection[inds].flatten(), *args, **kwargs) else: show = plt.scatter(range(len(projection)), projection.flatten(), *args, **kwargs) plt.ylabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(str(modes))) plt.xlabel('Conformation number') else: if weights is not None and use_weights: kwargs['weights'] = weights if labels is not None and use_labels: for label in set(labels): kwargs['color'] = colors_dict[label] inds = np.nonzero(np.array(labels) == label)[0] if projection.ndim == 1: projection = projection.reshape(projection.shape[0], 1) show = plt.hist(projection[inds].flatten(), *args, **kwargs) else: show = plt.hist(projection.flatten(), *args, **kwargs) plt.xlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(str(modes))) plt.ylabel('Number of conformations') return show elif projection.shape[1] > 3: raise ValueError('Projection onto up to 3 modes can be shown. ' 'You have given {0} mode.'.format(len(modes))) markers = kwargs.pop('marker', 'o') if isinstance(markers, str) or markers is None: markers = [markers] * num elif isinstance(markers, list): if len(markers) != num: raise ValueError('length of marker must be {0}'.format(num)) else: raise TypeError('marker must be a string or a list') color_norm = None if isinstance(colors[0], Number): color_norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(colors), vmax=max(colors)) labels = kwargs.pop('label', None) if isinstance(labels, str) or labels is None: labels = [labels] * num elif isinstance(labels, list): if len(labels) != num: raise ValueError('length of label must be {0}'.format(num)) elif labels is not None: raise TypeError('label must be a string or a list') kwargs['linestyle'] = kwargs.pop('linestyle', None) or kwargs.pop('ls', 'None') texts = kwargs.pop('text', None) adjust = kwargs.pop('adjust', True) if texts: if not isinstance(texts, list): raise TypeError('text must be a list') elif len(texts) != num: raise TypeError('length of text must be {0}'.format(num)) size = kwargs.pop('fontsize', None) or kwargs.pop('size', None) indict = defaultdict(list) for i, opts in enumerate(zip(markers, colors, labels)): # PY3K: OK indict[opts].append(i) if modes is None: modes = list(range(projection.shape[1])) else: modes = [m for m in modes] if len(modes) == 2: show_density = kwargs.pop("show_density", False) if show_density: try: import seaborn as sns plot = sns.kdeplot if cmap is not None: kwargs["cmap"] = cmap except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install seaborn to plot kernel density estimates') else: plot = plt.scatter show = plt.gcf() text = plt.text else: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D show_density = kwargs.pop("show_density", False) if show_density: LOGGER.warn("show_density is not supported yet for 3D projections") show_density = False if use_weights: LOGGER.warn("use_weights is not supported yet for 3D projections") use_weights = False cf = plt.gcf() show = None for child in cf.get_children(): if isinstance(child, Axes3D): show = child break if show is None: show = cf.add_subplot(111,projection="3d") plot = show.plot text = show.text args = list(args) for opts, indices in indict.items(): # PY3K: OK marker, color, label = opts kwargs['marker'] = marker if color_norm is not None: try: color = cmap.colors[color_norm(color)] except: color = cmap(color_norm(color)) if label is not None: kwargs['label'] = label else: kwargs.pop('label', None) if not show_density: kwargs['c'] = color if weights is not None and use_weights: kwargs['s'] = weights plot(*(list(projection[indices].T) + args), **kwargs) else: kwargs['color'] = color if weights is not None and use_weights: kwargs['weights'] = weights plot(x=list(projection[indices,0]), y=list(projection[indices,1]), **kwargs) if texts: ts = [] kwargs = {} if size: kwargs['size'] = size for args in zip(*(list(projection.T) + [texts])): ts.append(text(*args, **kwargs)) try: from adjustText import adjust_text except ImportError: pass else: if len(modes) == 2 and adjust == True: adjust_text(ts) if len(modes) == 2: plt.xlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[0])+1)) plt.ylabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[1])+1)) elif len(modes) == 3: show.set_xlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[0])+1)) show.set_ylabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[1])+1)) show.set_zlabel('Mode {0} coordinate'.format(int(modes[2])+1)) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showCrossProjection(ensemble, mode_x, mode_y, scale=None, *args, **kwargs): """Show a projection of conformational deviations onto modes from different models using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. This function differs from :func:`.showProjection` by accepting modes from two different models. :arg ensemble: an ensemble or a conformation for which deviation(s) will be projected, or a deformation vector :type ensemble: :class:`.Ensemble`, :class:`.Conformation`, :class:`.Vector`, :class:`.Trajectory` :arg mode_x: projection onto this mode will be shown along x-axis :type mode_x: :class:`.Mode`, :class:`.Vector` :arg mode_y: projection onto this mode will be shown along y-axis :type mode_y: :class:`.Mode`, :class:`.Vector` :arg scale: scale width of the projection onto mode ``x`` or ``y``, best scaling factor will be calculated and printed on the console, absolute value of scalar makes the with of two projection same, sign of scalar makes the projections yield a positive correlation :type scale: str :keyword scalar: scalar factor for projection onto selected mode :type scalar: float :keyword color: a color name or a list of color name, default is ``'blue'`` :type color: str, list :keyword label: label or a list of labels :type label: str, list :keyword marker: a marker or a list of markers, default is ``'o'`` :type marker: str, list :keyword linestyle: line style, default is ``'None'`` :type linestyle: str :keyword text: list of text labels, one for each conformation :type text: list :keyword fontsize: font size for text labels :type fontsize: int This function uses calcProjection and its arguments can be passed to it as keyword arguments. The projected values are by default converted to RMSD. Pass ``rmsd=False`` to calculate raw projection values. See :ref:`pca-xray-plotting` for a more elaborate example. Likewise, normalisation is applied by default and can be turned off with ``norm=False``.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() norm = kwargs.pop('norm', False) xcoords, ycoords = calcCrossProjection(ensemble, mode_x, mode_y, scale=scale, norm=norm, **kwargs) num = len(xcoords) markers = kwargs.pop('marker', 'o') if isinstance(markers, str) or markers is None: markers = [markers] * num elif isinstance(markers, list): if len(markers) != num: raise ValueError('length of marker must be {0}'.format(num)) else: raise TypeError('marker must be a string or a list') colors = kwargs.pop('color', 'blue') if isinstance(colors, str) or colors is None: colors = [colors] * num elif isinstance(colors, list): if len(colors) != num: raise ValueError('length of color must be {0}'.format(num)) else: raise TypeError('color must be a string or a list') labels = kwargs.pop('label', None) if isinstance(labels, str) or labels is None: labels = [labels] * num elif isinstance(labels, list): if len(labels) != num: raise ValueError('length of label must be {0}'.format(num)) elif labels is not None: raise TypeError('label must be a string or a list') kwargs['ls'] = kwargs.pop('linestyle', None) or kwargs.pop('ls', 'None') colors_dict = {} if isinstance(colors, np.ndarray): colors = tuple(colors) if isinstance(colors, (str, tuple)) or colors is None: colors = [colors] * num elif isinstance(colors, list): if len(colors) != num: raise ValueError('length of color must be {0}'.format(num)) elif isinstance(colors, dict): if labels is None: raise TypeError('color must be a string or a list unless labels are provided') colors_dict = colors colors = [colors_dict[label] for label in labels] else: raise TypeError('color must be a string or a list or a dict if labels are provided') if labels is not None and len(colors_dict) == 0: cycle_colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] for i, label in enumerate(set(labels)): colors_dict[label] = cycle_colors[i % len(cycle_colors)] colors = [colors_dict[label] for label in labels] texts = kwargs.pop('text', None) if texts: if not isinstance(texts, list): raise TypeError('text must be a list') elif len(texts) != num: raise TypeError('length of text must be {0}'.format(num)) size = kwargs.pop('fontsize', None) or kwargs.pop('size', None) indict = defaultdict(list) for i, opts in enumerate(zip(markers, colors, labels)): # PY3K: OK indict[opts].append(i) for opts, indices in indict.items(): # PY3K: OK marker, color, label = opts kwargs['marker'] = marker kwargs['color'] = color if label: kwargs['label'] = label else: kwargs.pop('label', None) show = plt.plot(xcoords[indices], ycoords[indices], *args, **kwargs) if texts: ts = [] kwargs = {} if size: kwargs['size'] = size for x, y, t in zip(xcoords, ycoords, texts): ts.append(plt.text(x, y, t, **kwargs)) try: from adjustText import adjust_text except ImportError: pass else: adjust_text(ts) plt.xlabel('{0} coordinate'.format(mode_x)) plt.ylabel('{0} coordinate'.format(mode_y)) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showOverlapTable(modes_x, modes_y, **kwargs): """Show overlap table using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`. *modes_x* and *modes_y* are sets of normal modes, and correspond to x and y axes of the plot. Note that mode indices are incremented by **1**. List of modes is assumed to contain a set of contiguous modes from the same model. Default arguments for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`: * ``cmap='jet'`` * ``norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(0, 1)``""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib if isinstance(modes_x, np.ndarray): num_modes_x = modes_x.shape[1] else: num_modes_x = modes_x.numModes() if isinstance(modes_y, np.ndarray): num_modes_y = modes_y.shape[1] else: num_modes_y = modes_y.numModes() overlap = calcOverlap(modes_y, modes_x) take_abs = kwargs.pop('abs', True) if take_abs: overlap = abs(overlap) if overlap.ndim == 0: overlap = np.array([[overlap]]) elif overlap.ndim == 1: overlap = overlap.reshape((num_modes_y, num_modes_x)) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'jet') if take_abs: norm = kwargs.pop('norm', matplotlib.colors.Normalize(0, 1)) else: norm = kwargs.pop('norm', matplotlib.colors.Normalize(-1, 1)) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() x_range = np.arange(1, num_modes_x+1) if isinstance(modes_x, ModeSet): x_ticklabels = modes_x._indices+1 else: x_ticklabels = x_range x_ticklabels = kwargs.pop('xticklabels', x_ticklabels) y_range = np.arange(1, num_modes_y+1) if isinstance(modes_y, ModeSet): y_ticklabels = modes_y._indices+1 else: y_ticklabels = y_range y_ticklabels = kwargs.pop('yticklabels', y_ticklabels) if not isinstance(modes_x, np.ndarray): xlabel = str(modes_x) else: xlabel = '' xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', xlabel) if not isinstance(modes_y, np.ndarray): ylabel = str(modes_y) else: ylabel = '' ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', ylabel) allticks = kwargs.pop('allticks', True) show = showMatrix(overlap, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, xticklabels=x_ticklabels, yticklabels=y_ticklabels, allticks=allticks, **kwargs) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showCrossCorr(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show cross-correlations using :func:`showAtomicMatrix`. By default, *origin=lower* and *interpolation=bilinear* keyword arguments are passed to this function, but user can overwrite these parameters. See also :func:`.calcCrossCorr`.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() norm = kwargs.pop('norm', True) cross_correlations = calcCrossCorr(modes, norm=norm) if not 'interpolation' in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'bilinear' if not 'origin' in kwargs: kwargs['origin'] = 'lower' show = showAtomicMatrix(cross_correlations, *args, **kwargs) plt.title('Cross-correlations for {0}'.format(str(modes))) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showCovarianceMatrix(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show 3Nx3N covariance matrix (or NxN matrix for GNM) using :func:`showAtomicMatrix`. By default, *origin=lower* and *interpolation=bilinear* keyword arguments are passed to this function, but user can overwrite these parameters. See also :func:`.calcCovariance`.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() covar = calcCovariance(modes) if not 'interpolation' in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'bilinear' if not 'origin' in kwargs: kwargs['origin'] = 'lower' show = showAtomicMatrix(covar, *args, **kwargs) plt.title('Covariance matrix for {0}'.format(str(modes))) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def showMode(mode, *args, **kwargs): """Show mode array using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.""" from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, title, xlim show_hinges = kwargs.pop('show_hinges', False) show_hinges = kwargs.pop('hinges', show_hinges) show_hinges = kwargs.pop('show_hinge', show_hinges) show_hinges = kwargs.pop('hinge', show_hinges) show_zero = kwargs.pop('show_zero', True) show_zero = kwargs.pop('zero', show_zero) atoms = kwargs.get('atoms', None) final = kwargs.pop('final', True) if not isinstance(mode, (Mode, Vector)): raise TypeError('mode must be a Mode or Vector instance, ' 'not {0}'.format(type(mode))) if mode.is3d(): a3d = mode.getArrayNx3() show = [] show.append(showAtomicLines(a3d[:, 0], label='x-component', final=False, **kwargs)) show.append(showAtomicLines(a3d[:, 1], label='y-component', final=False, **kwargs)) show.append(showAtomicLines(a3d[:, 2], label='z-component', final=final, **kwargs)) else: a1d = mode._getArray() show = showAtomicLines(a1d, *args, **kwargs) if show_hinges and isinstance(mode, Mode): hinges = calcHinges(mode) if hinges is not None: showAtomicLines(hinges, a1d[hinges], 'r*', final=False) if atoms is not None: title(str(atoms)) else: title(str(mode)) if show_zero: if not mode.is3d(): if atoms is not None: plot(xlim(), (0,0), '--', color='grey') else: plot(xlim(), (0,0), '--', color='grey') else: plot(xlim(), (0,0), '--', color='grey') return show
[docs]def showSqFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show square fluctuations using :func:`.showAtomicLines`. See also :func:`.calcSqFlucts`.""" from matplotlib.pyplot import title, ylabel, xlabel def _showSqFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): show_hinge = kwargs.pop('hinges', False) show_hinge = kwargs.pop('hinges', show_hinge) show_hinge = kwargs.pop('show_hinge', show_hinge) show_hinge = kwargs.pop('hinge', show_hinge) norm = kwargs.pop('norm', False) sqf = calcSqFlucts(modes) scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', None) if scaled is not None: scale = scaled / sqf.mean() else: scale = 1. scale = kwargs.pop('scale', scale) if norm: sqf = sqf / (sqf**2).sum()**0.5 if scale != 1.: sqf *= scale def_label = '{0} (x{1:.2f})'.format(str(modes), scale) else: def_label = str(modes) label = kwargs.pop('label', def_label) mode = kwargs.pop('mode', None) if mode is not None: is3d = False try: arr = mode.getArray() is3d = mode.is3d() n_nodes = mode.numAtoms() except AttributeError: arr = mode is3d = len(arr) == len(sqf)*3 n_nodes = len(arr)//3 if is3d else len(arr) if n_nodes != len(sqf): raise RuntimeError('size mismatch between the protein ({0} residues) and the mode ({1} nodes).' .format(len(sqf), n_nodes)) if is3d: raise ValueError('Cannot color sqFlucts by mode direction for 3D modes') rbody = [] first_sign = np.sign(arr[0]) rcolor = ['red', 'red', 'blue'] n = 1 for i, a in enumerate(arr): s = np.sign(a) if s == 0: s = first_sign if first_sign != s or i == len(arr)-1: show = showAtomicLines(rbody, sqf[rbody], label=label, color=rcolor[int(first_sign+1)], **kwargs) rbody = [] n += 1 first_sign = s rbody.append(i) else: show = showAtomicLines(sqf, *args, label=label, **kwargs) if show_hinge and not modes.is3d(): hinges = calcHinges(modes) if hinges is not None: kwargs.pop('final', False) showAtomicLines(hinges, sqf[hinges], 'r*', final=False, **kwargs) return show, sqf scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', False) final = kwargs.pop('final', True) args = list(args) modesarg = [] i = 0 while i < len(args): if isinstance(args[i], (VectorBase, ModeSet, NMA)): modesarg.append(args.pop(i)) else: i += 1 shows = [] _final = len(modesarg) == 0 and final show, sqf = _showSqFlucts(modes, *args, final=_final, **kwargs) shows.append(show) if scaled: mean = sqf.mean() else: mean = None for i, modes in enumerate(modesarg): if i == len(modesarg)-1: _final = final show, sqf = _showSqFlucts(modes, *args, scaled=mean, final=_final, **kwargs) shows.append(show) xlabel('Residue') ylabel('Square fluctuations') if len(modesarg) == 0: title(str(modes)) return shows
[docs]def showScaledSqFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show scaled square fluctuations using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Modes or mode sets given as additional arguments will be scaled to have the same mean squared fluctuations as *modes*.""" scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', True) show = showSqFlucts(modes, *args, scaled=scaled, **kwargs) return show
[docs]def showNormedSqFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show normalized square fluctuations via :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ norm = kwargs.pop('norm', True) show = showSqFlucts(modes, *args, norm=norm, **kwargs) return show
[docs]def showRMSFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show square fluctuations using :func:`.showAtomicLines`. See also :func:`.calcRMSFlucts`.""" from matplotlib.pyplot import title, ylabel, xlabel def _showRMSFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): show_hinge = kwargs.pop('hinges', False) show_hinge = kwargs.pop('hinges', show_hinge) show_hinge = kwargs.pop('show_hinge', show_hinge) show_hinge = kwargs.pop('hinge', show_hinge) norm = kwargs.pop('norm', False) sqf = calcRMSFlucts(modes) scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', None) if scaled is not None: scale = scaled / sqf.mean() else: scale = 1. scale = kwargs.pop('scale', scale) if norm: sqf = sqf / (sqf**2).sum()**0.5 if scale != 1.: sqf *= scale def_label = '{0} (x{1:.2f})'.format(str(modes), scale) else: def_label = str(modes) label = kwargs.pop('label', def_label) mode = kwargs.pop('mode', None) if mode is not None: is3d = False try: arr = mode.getArray() is3d = mode.is3d() n_nodes = mode.numAtoms() except AttributeError: arr = mode is3d = len(arr) == len(sqf)*3 n_nodes = len(arr)//3 if is3d else len(arr) if n_nodes != len(sqf): raise RuntimeError('size mismatch between the protein ({0} residues) and the mode ({1} nodes).' .format(len(sqf), n_nodes)) if is3d: raise ValueError('Cannot color sqFlucts by mode direction for 3D modes') rbody = [] first_sign = np.sign(arr[0]) rcolor = ['red', 'red', 'blue'] n = 1 for i, a in enumerate(arr): s = np.sign(a) if s == 0: s = first_sign if first_sign != s or i == len(arr)-1: show = showAtomicLines(rbody, sqf[rbody], label=label, color=rcolor[int(first_sign+1)], **kwargs) rbody = [] n += 1 first_sign = s rbody.append(i) else: show = showAtomicLines(sqf, *args, label=label, **kwargs) if show_hinge and not modes.is3d(): hinges = calcHinges(modes) if hinges is not None: kwargs.pop('final', False) showAtomicLines(hinges, sqf[hinges], 'r*', final=False, **kwargs) return show, sqf scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', False) final = kwargs.pop('final', True) args = list(args) modesarg = [] i = 0 while i < len(args): if isinstance(args[i], (VectorBase, ModeSet, NMA)): modesarg.append(args.pop(i)) else: i += 1 shows = [] _final = len(modesarg) == 0 and final show, sqf = _showRMSFlucts(modes, *args, final=_final, **kwargs) shows.append(show) if scaled: mean = sqf.mean() else: mean = None for i, modes in enumerate(modesarg): if i == len(modesarg)-1: _final = final show, sqf = _showRMSFlucts(modes, *args, scaled=mean, final=_final, **kwargs) shows.append(show) xlabel('Residue') ylabel('Root Square fluctuations') if len(modesarg) == 0: title(str(modes)) return shows
def showScaledRMSFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show scaled root square fluctuations using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Modes or mode sets given as additional arguments will be scaled to have the same mean squared fluctuations as *modes*.""" scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', True) show = showRMSFlucts(modes, *args, scaled=scaled, **kwargs) return show def showNormedRMSFlucts(modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show normalized root square fluctuations via :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ norm = kwargs.pop('norm', True) show = showRMSFlucts(modes, *args, norm=norm, **kwargs) return show
[docs]def showContactMap(enm, **kwargs): """Show contact map using :func:`showAtomicMatrix`. *enm* can be either a :class:`.GNM` or :class:`.Atomic` object.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # plt.figure() cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'Greys') if isinstance(enm, GNMBase): K = enm.getKirchhoff() atoms = kwargs.pop('atoms', None) elif isinstance(enm, Atomic): gnm = GNM() gnm.buildKirchhoff(enm) K = gnm.getKirchhoff() atoms = kwargs.pop('atoms', enm) else: raise TypeError('model argument must be a GNM instance') if K is None: LOGGER.warning('kirchhoff matrix is not set') return None D = np.diag(np.diag(K) + 1.) A = -(K - D) show = showAtomicMatrix(A, atoms=atoms, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) plt.title('{0} contact map'.format(enm.getTitle())) plt.xlabel('Residue') plt.ylabel('Residue') #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # showFigure() return show
[docs]def showOverlap(mode, modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show overlap :func:``. :arg mode: a single mode/vector or multiple modes. If multiple modes are provided, then the overlaps are calculated by going through them one by one, i.e. mode i from this set is compared with mode i from the other set. :type mode: :class:`.Mode`, :class:`.Vector`, :class:`.ModeSet`, :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.GNM`, :class:`.PCA` :arg modes: multiple modes :type modes: :class:`.ModeSet`, :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.GNM`, :class:`.PCA` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() if not isinstance(mode, (Mode, Vector, NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('mode must be Mode, Vector, NMA or ModeSet, not {0}' .format(type(mode))) if not isinstance(modes, (NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('modes must be NMA or ModeSet, not {0}' .format(type(modes))) if mode.numModes() > 1: overlap = abs(calcOverlap(mode, modes, diag=True)) else: overlap = abs(calcOverlap(mode, modes, diag=False)) if isinstance(modes, NMA): arange = np.arange(len(modes)) + 1 else: arange = modes.getIndices() + 1 show =, overlap, *args, **kwargs) plt.title('Overlap with {0}'.format(str(mode))) plt.xlabel('{0} mode index'.format(modes)) plt.ylabel('Overlap') ax = plt.gca() loc = MaxNLocator(integer=True) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
showOverlaps = showOverlap
[docs]def showCumulOverlap(mode, modes, *args, **kwargs): """Show cumulative overlap using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. :arg modes: multiple modes :type modes: :class:`.ModeSet`, :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.GNM`, :class:`.PCA` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator if not isinstance(mode, (Mode, Vector, NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('mode must be NMA, ModeSet, Mode or Vector, not {0}' .format(type(mode))) if not isinstance(modes, (NMA, ModeSet)): raise TypeError('modes must be NMA, ModeSet, or Mode, not {0}' .format(type(modes))) if mode.numModes() > 1: overlap = abs(calcOverlap(mode, modes, diag=True)) else: overlap = abs(calcOverlap(mode, modes, diag=False)) cumov = (overlap ** 2).cumsum() ** 0.5 if isinstance(modes, NMA): arange = np.arange(0.5, len(modes)+0.5) else: arange = modes.getIndices() + 0.5 if SETTINGS['auto_show']: plt.figure() show = plt.plot(arange, cumov, *args, **kwargs) plt.title('Cumulative overlap with {0}'.format(str(mode))) plt.xlabel('{0} mode index'.format(modes)) plt.ylabel('Cumulative overlap') ax = plt.gca() loc = MaxNLocator(integer=True) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return show
[docs]def resetTicks(x, y=None): """Reset X (and Y) axis ticks using values in given *array*. Ticks in the current figure should not be fractional values for this function to work as expected.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if x is not None: try: xticks = plt.xticks()[0] xlist = list(xticks.astype(int)) if xlist[-1] > len(x): xlist.pop() if xlist: xlist = list(x[xlist]) plt.xticks(xticks, xlist + [''] * (len(xticks) - len(xlist))) except: LOGGER.warning('xticks could not be reset.') if y is not None: try: yticks = plt.yticks()[0] ylist = list(yticks.astype(int)) if ylist[-1] > len(y): ylist.pop() if ylist: ylist = list(y[ylist]) plt.yticks(yticks, ylist + [''] * (len(yticks) - len(ylist))) except: LOGGER.warning('xticks could not be reset.')
[docs]def showDiffMatrix(matrix1, matrix2, *args, **kwargs): """Show the difference between two cross-correlation matrices from different models. For given *matrix1* and *matrix2* show the difference between them in the form of (matrix2 - matrix1) and plot the difference matrix using :func:`.showAtomicMatrix`. When :class:`.NMA` models are passed instead of matrices, the functions could call :func:`.calcCrossCorr` function to calculate the matrices for given modes. To display the absolute values in the difference matrix, user could set *abs* keyword argument **True**. By default, ``origin="lower"`` and ``interpolation="bilinear"`` keyword arguments are passed to this function, but user can overwrite these parameters. """ from matplotlib.pyplot import title, xlabel, ylabel try: dim1, shape1 = matrix1.ndim, matrix1.shape except AttributeError: matrix1 = calcCrossCorr(matrix1) dim1, shape1 = matrix1.ndim, matrix1.shape try: dim2, shape2 = matrix2.ndim, matrix2.shape except AttributeError: matrix2 = calcCrossCorr(matrix2) dim2, shape2 = matrix2.ndim, matrix2.shape if (not ((dim1 == dim2 == 2) and (shape1 == shape2))): raise ValueError('Matrices must have same square shape.') if shape1[0] * shape1[1] == 0: raise ValueError('There are no data in matrices.') diff = matrix2 - matrix1 if not 'interpolation' in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'bilinear' if not 'origin' in kwargs: kwargs['origin'] = 'lower' if kwargs.pop('abs', False): diff = np.abs(diff) #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # figure() show = showAtomicMatrix(diff, *args, **kwargs) #show.im3.axis([-.5, shape1[1] - .5, -.5, shape1[0] - .5]) title('Difference Matrix') #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # showFigure() xlabel('Indices') ylabel('Indices') return show
[docs]def showMechStiff(stiffness, atoms, **kwargs): """Show mechanical stiffness matrix using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. By default, ``origin="lower"`` keyword arguments are passed to this function, but user can overwrite these parameters.""" #from math import floor #from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.pyplot import title, xlabel, ylabel from .mechstiff import calcStiffnessRange if not 'origin' in kwargs: kwargs['origin'] = 'lower' if not 'cmap' in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = 'jet_r' #rcParams['font.size'] = '14' #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10,8), dpi=100, facecolor='w') vmin, vmax = calcStiffnessRange(stiffness) vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', vmin) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', vmax) show = showAtomicMatrix(stiffness, atoms=atoms, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) title('Mechanical Stiffness Matrix')# for {0}'.format(str(model))) xlabel('Indices') #, fontsize='16') ylabel('Indices') #, fontsize='16') #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # showFigure() return show
[docs]def showNormDistFunct(model, coords, **kwargs): """Show normalized distance fluctuation matrix using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. By default, ``origin="lower"`` keyword arguments are passed to this function, but user can overwrite these parameters.""" from math import floor #import matplotlib from matplotlib.pyplot import xlabel, ylabel, title normdistfunct = model.getNormDistFluct(coords) if not 'origin' in kwargs: kwargs['origin'] = 'lower' #matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = '14' #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10,8), dpi=100, facecolor='w') vmin = floor(np.min(normdistfunct[np.nonzero(normdistfunct)])) vmax = round(np.amax(normdistfunct), 1) vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', vmin) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', vmax) show = showAtomicMatrix(normdistfunct, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) #plt.clim(math.floor(np.min(normdistfunct[np.nonzero(normdistfunct)])), \ # round(np.amax(normdistfunct),1)) title('Normalized Distance Fluctution Matrix') xlabel('Indices') #, fontsize='16') ylabel('Indices') #, fontsize='16') #if SETTINGS['auto_show']: # showFigure() return show
[docs]def showPairDeformationDist(model, coords, ind1, ind2, *args, **kwargs): """Show distribution of deformations in distance contributed by each mode for selected pair of residues *ind1* *ind2* using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(model, NMA): raise TypeError('model must be a NMA instance, ' 'not {0}'.format(type(model))) elif not model.is3d(): raise TypeError('model must be a 3-dimensional NMA instance') elif len(model) == 0: raise ValueError('model must have normal modes calculated') d_pair = calcPairDeformationDist(model, coords, ind1, ind2) with'fivethirtyeight'): matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = '16' fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12,8), dpi=100, facecolor='w') #plt.title(str(model)) plt.plot(d_pair[0], d_pair[1], 'k-', linewidth=1.5, *args, **kwargs) plt.xlabel('mode (k)', fontsize = '18') plt.ylabel(r'd$^k$ ($\AA$)', fontsize = '18') if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return
[docs]def showMeanMechStiff(stiffness, atoms, header, chain='A', *args, **kwargs): """Show mean value of effective spring constant with secondary structure taken from MechStiff. Header is needed to obatin secondary structure range. Using ``"jet_r"`` as argument color map will be reverse (similar to VMD program coding). """ meanStiff = np.array([np.mean(stiffness, axis=0)]) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches fig = plt.figure(figsize=[18,6], facecolor='w', dpi=100) if 'jet_r' in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = 'jet_r' if 'nearest' in kwargs: kwargs['interpolation'] = 'nearest' with'fivethirtyeight'): ax = fig.add_subplot(111) matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = '24' plt.plot(np.arange(len(meanStiff[0])) + atoms.getResnums()[0], meanStiff[0], 'k-', linewidth = 3) plt.xlim(atoms.getResnums()[0], atoms.getResnums()[-1]) ax_top=round(np.max(meanStiff[0]) + ((np.max(meanStiff[0]) \ - np.min(meanStiff[0]))/3)) ax_bottom=np.floor(np.min(meanStiff[0]))'The range of mean effective force constant is: {0} to {1}.' .format(min(meanStiff[0]), max(meanStiff[0]))) plt.ylim(ax_bottom,ax_top) plt.xlabel('residue', fontsize = '22') plt.ylabel(r'mean $\kappa$ [a.u.]', fontsize = '22') ax = fig.add_subplot(411, aspect='equal') plt.imshow(meanStiff, *args, **kwargs) header_ss = header['sheet_range'] + header['helix_range'] for i in range(len(header_ss)): if header_ss[i][1] == chain: beg = int(header_ss[i][-2])-atoms.getResnums()[0] end = int(header_ss[i][-1])-atoms.getResnums()[0] add_beg = end - beg if header_ss[i][0] == 'H': ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((beg+1,-0.7),add_beg,\ 1.4,fill=False, linestyle='solid',edgecolor='#b22683', linewidth=2)) elif header_ss[i][0] == 'E': if header_ss[i][2] == -1: ax.add_patch(patches.Arrow(beg+1,0,add_beg,0,width=4.65, \ fill=False, linestyle='solid',edgecolor='black', linewidth=2)) else: ax.add_patch(patches.Arrow(end+1,0,add_beg*(-1),0,width=4.65, \ fill=False, linestyle='solid',edgecolor='black', linewidth=2)) plt.axis('off') ax.set_ylim(-1.7, 1.7) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return
[docs]def showPerturbResponse(model, atoms=None, show_matrix=True, select=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the PRS matrix with the profiles along the right and bottom. If atoms are provided then residue numbers can be used from there. *model* and *atoms* must have the same number of atoms. *atoms* must be an :class:`.Atomic` instance. :arg model: any object with a :meth:`calcCovariance` method from which to calculate a PRS matrix (e.g. :class:`.ANM` instance) or a PRS matrix itself :type model: :class:`.NMA`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg atoms: a :class: `AtomGroup` instance for matching residue numbers and chain identifiers :type atoms: :class:`.AtomGroup` :arg select: a :class:`Selection` instance or selection string for showing residue-specific profiles. This can only be used with ``show_matrix=False``. :tye select: :class:`Selection`, str :keyword show_matrix: whether to show the matrix, default is **True** :type show_matrix: bool :keyword suppress_diag: whether to suppress the diagonal default is **True** :type suppress_diag: bool """ from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, xlabel, ylabel, title if isinstance(model, (NMA, ModeSet)): prs_matrix, effectiveness, sensitivity = calcPerturbResponse(model, atoms=atoms) else: try: prs_matrix = np.asarray(model) effectiveness = np.mean(prs_matrix, axis=1) sensitivity = np.mean(prs_matrix, axis=0) except: raise TypeError('model must be an NMA object or a PRS matrix') suppress_diag = kwargs.pop('suppress_diag', True) if suppress_diag: prs_matrix = prs_matrix - np.eye(len(prs_matrix)) if select is not None: if atoms is None: raise ValueError('atoms must be provided if select is given') show_matrix = False if show_matrix: show = showAtomicMatrix(prs_matrix, x_array=sensitivity, y_array=effectiveness, atoms=atoms, **kwargs) else: if select is None: fig = fig_ = kwargs.pop('figure', None) # this line needs to be in this block if fig is None: fig_ = figure('effectiveness') final = True else: final = False kwargs.pop('label', None) show_eff = showAtomicLines(effectiveness, atoms=atoms, figure=fig or fig_, label='Effectiveness', final=final, **kwargs) if fig is None: title('Effectiveness') xlabel('Residues') if fig is None: fig_ = figure('sensitivity') show_sen = showAtomicLines(sensitivity, atoms=atoms, figure=fig or fig_, label='Sensitivity', **kwargs) if fig is None: title('Sensitivity') xlabel('Residues') show = [show_eff, show_sen] else: axis = kwargs.pop('axis',0) show = [] profiles = sliceAtomicData(prs_matrix, atoms=atoms, select=select, axis=axis) if axis == 1: profiles = profiles.T final = False for i, profile in enumerate(profiles): if i == len(profiles)-1: # last iteration turn the domain/chain bar back on final = True show.append(showAtomicLines(profile, atoms=atoms, final=final, **kwargs)) xlabel('Residues') return show
def _checkDomainBarParameter(domains, defpos, atoms, label): show = atoms is not None pos = defpos if not show: return show, pos, atoms # check if the user wants to show or not from numbers import Number if isinstance(domains, bool): show &= domains pos = defpos elif isinstance(domains, Number): show &= True # this line does nothing but is left for readability pos = domains # check if the domain bar can be shown or not try: data = atoms.getData(label) if data is not None: uniq = np.unique(data) if domains is None: show &= len(uniq) > 1 except: data = None if data is None: if domains is None: show &= False if show: raise ValueError('A {0} bar can only be generated if ' 'there is {0} data associated with ' 'the atoms.'.format(label)) return show, pos, data
[docs]def showAtomicMatrix(matrix, x_array=None, y_array=None, atoms=None, **kwargs): """Show a matrix using :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`. Curves on x- and y-axis can be added. The first return value is the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object for the upper plot, and the second return value is equivalent object for the left plot. The third return value is the :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` object for the matrix plot. The last return value is the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object for the color bar. :arg matrix: matrix to be displayed :type matrix: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg x_array: data to be plotted above the matrix :type x_array: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg y_array: data to be plotted on the left side of the matrix :type y_array: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg percentile: A percentile threshold to remove outliers, i.e. only showing data within *p*-th to *100-p*-th percentile. :type percentile: float :arg atoms: a :class: `AtomGroup` instance for matching residue numbers and chain identifiers :type atoms: :class: `AtomGroup` :keyword chain: display a bar at the bottom to show chain separations. If set to **None**, it will be decided depends on whether *atoms* is provided. Default is **None**. :type chain: bool :keyword domain: the same with *chains* but show domain separations instead. *atoms* needs to have *domain* data associated to it. Default is **None**. :type domain: bool :keyword figure: if set to **None**, then a new figure will be created if *auto_show* is `True`, otherwise it will be plotted on the current figure. If set to a figure number or a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance, no matter what 'auto_show' value is, plots will be drawn on the *figure*. Default is **None**. :type figure: :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, int, str :arg interactive: turn on or off the interactive options :type interactive: bool """ from matplotlib.pyplot import figure from matplotlib.figure import Figure show_chain = kwargs.pop('chains', None) show_chain = kwargs.pop('chain', show_chain) show_domain = kwargs.pop('domains', None) show_domain = kwargs.pop('domain', show_domain) chain_text_loc = kwargs.pop('chain_text_loc', 'above') domain_text_loc = kwargs.pop('domain_text_loc', 'below') show_text = kwargs.pop('text', True) show_text = kwargs.pop('show_text', show_text) show_domain_text = kwargs.pop('domain_text', show_text) show_chain_text = kwargs.pop('chain_text', show_text) barwidth = kwargs.pop('barwidth', 5) barwidth = kwargs.pop('bar_width', barwidth) fig = kwargs.pop('figure', None) ticklabels = kwargs.pop('ticklabels', None) text_color = kwargs.pop('text_color', 'k') text_color = kwargs.pop('textcolor', text_color) interactive = kwargs.pop('interactive', True) import matplotlib if float(matplotlib.__version__[:-2]) >= 3.6: LOGGER.warn('matplotlib 3.6 and later are not compatible with interactive matrices') interactive = False if isinstance(fig, Figure): fig_num = fig.number elif fig is None or isinstance(fig, (int, str)): fig_num = fig else: raise TypeError('figure can be either an instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure ' 'or a figure number.') if SETTINGS['auto_show']: figure(fig_num) elif fig_num is not None: figure(fig_num) n_row, n_col = matrix.shape # do not use isscalar because Atomic objects are not scalars if isinstance(atoms, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if len(atoms) == 1: xatoms = yatoms = atoms[0] else: try: xatoms_, yatoms_ = atoms except ValueError: raise ValueError('atoms must be either one or two Atomic objects') try: n_xatoms, n_yatoms = xatoms_.numAtoms(), yatoms_.numAtoms() except: raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic object or a list of Atomic objects') if n_xatoms != n_col and 3*n_xatoms != n_col: if n_yatoms == n_col or 3*n_yatoms == n_col: xatoms = yatoms_ # swap xatoms and yatoms else: xatoms = None LOGGER.warn('the number of columns ({0}) in matrix does not ' 'match that of either {1} ({2} atoms) or {3} ' '({4} atoms)'.format(n_col, xatoms_, n_xatoms, yatoms_, n_yatoms)) else: xatoms = xatoms_ if n_yatoms != n_row and 3*n_yatoms != n_row: if n_xatoms == n_row or 3*n_xatoms == n_row: yatoms = xatoms_ # swap xatoms and yatoms else: yatoms = None LOGGER.warn('the number of rows ({0}) in matrix does not ' 'match that of either {1} ({2} atoms) or {3} ' '({4} atoms)'.format(n_row, xatoms_, n_xatoms, yatoms_, n_yatoms)) else: yatoms = yatoms_ atoms = (xatoms, yatoms) else: xatoms = yatoms = atoms is3dx = is3dy = False # an additional check for the case of xatoms = yatoms = atoms if xatoms is not None: if xatoms.numAtoms() != n_col and 3*xatoms.numAtoms() != n_col: xatoms = None else: is3dx = xatoms.numAtoms()*3 == n_col if yatoms is not None: if yatoms.numAtoms() != n_row and 3*yatoms.numAtoms() != n_row: yatoms = None else: is3dy = yatoms.numAtoms()*3 == n_row def getTickLabels(atoms): if atoms is None: return None hv = atoms.getHierView() if hv.numChains() == 0: raise ValueError('atoms should contain at least one chain.') elif hv.numChains() == 1: ticklabels = atoms.getResnums() else: chids = atoms.getChids() resnums = atoms.getResnums() ticklabels = ['%s:%d'%(c, n) for c, n in zip(chids, resnums)] return ticklabels if ticklabels is None: xticklabels = kwargs.pop('xticklabels', getTickLabels(xatoms)) yticklabels = kwargs.pop('yticklabels', getTickLabels(yatoms)) else: # if the user provides ticklabels, then always use them xticklabels = yticklabels = ticklabels if is3dx: if len(xticklabels) != 3*n_col: xticklabels_ = [] for label in xticklabels: xticklabels_.extend([label]*3) xticklabels = xticklabels_ if is3dy: if len(yticklabels) != 3*n_row: yticklabels_ = [] for label in yticklabels: yticklabels_.extend([label]*3) yticklabels = yticklabels_ im, lines, colorbar = showMatrix(matrix, x_array, y_array, xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, interactive=False, **kwargs) if interactive: from prody.utilities import ImageCursor from matplotlib.pyplot import connect, gca cursor = ImageCursor(gca(), im, atoms=atoms) connect('button_press_event', cursor.onClick) bars = [] texts = [] ## draw chain bars # x show_chain, chain_pos, chids = _checkDomainBarParameter(show_chain, 0., xatoms, 'chain') if show_chain: b, t = showDomainBar(chids, loc=chain_pos, axis='x', text_loc=chain_text_loc, text_color=text_color, text=show_chain_text, barwidth=barwidth, is3d=is3dx) bars.extend(b) texts.extend(t) # y show_chain, chain_pos, chids = _checkDomainBarParameter(show_chain, 0., yatoms, 'chain') if show_chain: b, t = showDomainBar(chids, loc=chain_pos, axis='y', text_loc=chain_text_loc, text_color=text_color, text=show_chain_text, barwidth=barwidth, is3d=is3dy) bars.extend(b) texts.extend(t) show_domain, domain_pos, domains = _checkDomainBarParameter(show_domain, 1., xatoms, 'domain') ## draw domain bars # x if show_domain: b, t = showDomainBar(domains, loc=domain_pos, axis='x', text_loc=domain_text_loc, text_color=text_color, text=show_domain_text, barwidth=barwidth, is3d=is3dx) bars.extend(b) texts.extend(t) # y show_domain, domain_pos, domains = _checkDomainBarParameter(show_domain, 1., yatoms, 'domain') if show_domain: b, t = showDomainBar(domains, loc=domain_pos, axis='y', text_loc=domain_text_loc, text_color=text_color, text=show_domain_text, barwidth=barwidth, is3d=is3dy) bars.extend(b) texts.extend(t) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return im, lines, colorbar, texts
pimshow = showAtomicMatrix
[docs]def showAtomicLines(*args, **kwargs): """ Show a plot with the option to use residue numbers and include chain/domain color bars using provided atoms. :arg atoms: a :class: `AtomGroup` instance for matching residue numbers and chain identifiers. :type atoms: :class: `AtomGroup` :keyword chain: display a bar at the bottom to show chain separations. If set to **None**, it will be decided depends on whether *atoms* is provided. Default is **None**. :type chain: bool :keyword domain: the same as *chain* but show domain separations instead. *atoms* needs to have *domain* data associated to it. Default is **None**. :type domain: bool :keyword gap: whether to show the gaps in the *atoms* or not. Default is **False**. :type gap: bool :keyword overlay: whether to overlay the curves based on the chain separations in *atoms* or not. Default is **False**. :type overlay: bool :keyword figure: if set to **None**, then a new figure will be created if *auto_show* is **True**, otherwise it will be plotted on the current figure. If set to a figure number or string or a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance, no matter what 'auto_show' value is, plots will be drawn on the *figure*. Default is **None**. :type figure: :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, int, str :keyword final: if set to **False**, *chain* and *domain* will be set to **False** no matter what their values are. This is used to stack plots onto one another, and show only one domain/chain bar. :type final: bool """ x = None xy_args = [] linespec = '-' for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): linespec = arg else: xy_args.append(arg) if len(xy_args) == 0: raise ValueError('no data is given for plotting') elif len(xy_args) == 1: y = xy_args[0] elif len(xy_args) >= 2: if len(xy_args) > 2: LOGGER.warn("args contains more than x's and y's; only the first two arrays are used") x = xy_args[0] y = xy_args[1] atoms = kwargs.pop('atoms', None) linespec = kwargs.pop('linespec', linespec) show_chain = kwargs.pop('chains', None) show_domain = kwargs.pop('domains', None) show_chain = kwargs.pop('chain', show_chain) show_domain = kwargs.pop('domain', show_domain) final = kwargs.pop('final', True) if not final: show_domain = show_chain = False chain_text_loc = kwargs.pop('chain_text_loc', 'above') domain_text_loc = kwargs.pop('domain_text_loc', 'below') zero_line = kwargs.pop('show_zero', False) zero_line = kwargs.pop('zero', zero_line) show_text = kwargs.pop('text', True) show_text = kwargs.pop('show_text', show_text) show_domain_text = kwargs.pop('domain_text', show_text) show_chain_text = kwargs.pop('chain_text', show_text) barwidth = kwargs.pop('barwidth', 5) barwidth = kwargs.pop('bar_width', barwidth) gap = kwargs.pop('gap', False) overlay = kwargs.pop('overlay', False) overlay = kwargs.pop('overlay_chains', overlay) dy = kwargs.pop('dy', None) from prody.utilities import showLines from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, xlim, plot from matplotlib.figure import Figure fig = kwargs.pop('figure', None) if isinstance(fig, Figure): fig_num = fig.number elif fig is None or isinstance(fig, (int, str)): fig_num = fig else: raise TypeError('figure can be either an instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure ' 'or a figure number.') if SETTINGS['auto_show'] and final: figure(fig_num) elif fig_num is not None: figure(fig_num) try: y = np.asarray(y) except: raise TypeError('y should be an array-like instance.') if x is not None: _y = [] try: x = np.asarray(x, dtype=int) except: raise TypeError('x should be an integer array.') if x.min() < 0: raise ValueError('x should be non-negative.') if atoms is None: I = np.arange(x.max() + 1) else: if x.max() + 1 > atoms.numAtoms(): raise ValueError('size mismatch between x ({0}) and atoms ({1})' .format(x.max(), atoms.numAtoms())) I = np.arange(atoms.numAtoms()) for i in I: ix = np.where(x==i)[0] if len(ix): _y.append(y[ix[0]]) else: _y.append(np.nan) y = np.asarray(_y) x = None # clear up x just in case ticklabels = labels = datalabels = None def func_ticklabels(val, pos): #The two args are the value and tick position i = int(round(val)) J = np.where(x==i)[0] if len(J): label = labels[J[0]] else: label = '' return label if atoms is not None: if y.shape[0] != atoms.numAtoms(): raise ValueError('size mismatch between y ({0}) and atoms ({1})' .format(y.shape[0], atoms.numAtoms())) if overlay: if not gap: gap = True show_chain = False #show_domain = False hv = atoms.getHierView() if hv.numChains() == 0: raise ValueError('atoms should contain at least one chain.') elif hv.numChains() == 1: labels = atoms.getResnums() if gap: x = atoms.getResnums() ticklabels = func_ticklabels if overlay: x = [x]; _y = [y]; _dy = [dy] else: labels = [] if gap: x = []; last = 0 if overlay: datalabels = []; _y = []; _dy = [] for chain in hv.iterChains(): chid = chain.getChid() resnums = chain.getResnums() labels.extend('%s:%d'%(chid, resnum) for resnum in resnums) if gap: if overlay: datalabels.append(chid) x.append(resnums) _y.append(y[last:last+len(resnums)]) if dy is not None: _dy.append(dy[last:last+len(resnums)]) last += len(resnums) else: x.extend(resnums + last) last = resnums[-1] if gap: if overlay: ticklabels = None y = _y if dy is not None: dy = _dy else: x -= x[0] ticklabels = func_ticklabels else: ticklabels = labels else: if gap: LOGGER.warn('atoms need to be provided if gap=True') if overlay: LOGGER.warn('atoms need to be provided if overlay=True') gap = False overlay = False if gap: if overlay: labels = kwargs.pop('label', datalabels) Z = [] for z in zip(x, y): Z.extend(z) Z.append(linespec) lines, polys = showLines(*Z, dy=dy, ticklabels=ticklabels, gap=True, label=labels, **kwargs) else: lines, polys = showLines(x, y, linespec, dy=dy, ticklabels=ticklabels, gap=True, **kwargs) else: lines, polys = showLines(y, linespec, dy=dy, ticklabels=ticklabels, **kwargs) if zero_line: l = xlim() plot(l, [0, 0], '--', color='gray') bars = [] texts = [] show_chain, chain_pos, chids = _checkDomainBarParameter(show_chain, 0., atoms, 'chain') if show_chain: b, t = showDomainBar(chids, x=x, loc=chain_pos, axis='x', text_loc=chain_text_loc, text=show_chain_text, barwidth=barwidth) bars.extend(b) texts.extend(t) show_domain, domain_pos, domains = _checkDomainBarParameter(show_domain, 1., atoms, 'domain') if show_domain: if overlay: x = x[0] b, t = showDomainBar(domains, x=x, loc=domain_pos, axis='x', text_loc=domain_text_loc, text=show_domain_text, barwidth=barwidth) bars.extend(b) texts.extend(t) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return lines, polys, bars, texts
pplot = showAtomicLines
[docs]def showDomainBar(domains, x=None, loc=0., axis='x', **kwargs): """ Plot a bar on top of the current axis which is colored based on domain separations. :arg domains: a list of domain labels :type domains: list, tuple, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg loc: relative position of the domain bar. **0** means at bottom/left and **1** means at top/right :type loc: float :arg axis: on which axis the bar will be plotted. It can be either **x** or **y** :type axis: str :keyword text: whether to show the text or not. Default is **True** :type text: bool :keyword text_loc: location of text labels. It can be either **above** or **below** :type text_loc: str :keyword text_color: color of the text labels :type text_color: str, tuple, list :keyword color: a dictionary of colors where keys are the domain names :type color: dict :keyword relim: whether to rescale the axes' limits after adding the bar. Default is **True** :type relim: bool """ from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, text, xlim, ylim, gca show_text = kwargs.pop('show_text', True) show_text = kwargs.pop('text', show_text) text_color = kwargs.pop('text_color', 'k') text_color = kwargs.pop('textcolor', text_color) font_dict = kwargs.pop('font_dict', None) font_dict = kwargs.pop('fontdict', font_dict) barwidth = kwargs.pop('barwidth', 5) barwidth = kwargs.pop('bar_width', barwidth) color_dict = kwargs.pop('color', None) offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) is3d = kwargs.pop('is3d', False) relim = kwargs.pop('relim', True) text_loc = kwargs.pop('text_loc', 'above') if not isinstance(text_loc, str): raise TypeError('text_loc should be a str') text_loc = text_loc.lower().strip() if not text_loc in ['above', 'below']: raise ValueError('text_loc can only be either "above" or "below"') halign = 'right' if text_loc == 'below' else 'left' valign = 'top' if text_loc == 'below' else 'bottom' if len(domains) == 0: raise ValueError('domains should not be empty') if is3d: domains_ = [] for d in domains: domains_.extend([d]*3) domains = domains_ domains = np.asarray(domains, dtype=str) EMPTY_CHAR = domains[0][:0] uni_domids = np.unique(domains) uni_domids = uni_domids[uni_domids!=EMPTY_CHAR] if axis == 'y': lim = xlim elif axis == 'x': lim = ylim else: raise ValueError('axis can be either "x" or "y"') L = lim() d_loc = L[0] + loc * (L[1] - L[0]) D = [] bars = [] texts = [] color_order = [] for domid in uni_domids: if color_dict is not None: color_order.append(color_dict[domid]) d = domains == domid D.append(d) if not D: return bars, texts D = np.vstack(D).T F = np.zeros(D.shape) F[~D] = np.nan F[D] = d_loc if x is None: x = np.arange(len(domains), dtype=float) x = x + offset #+ 0.5 X = np.tile(x, (len(uni_domids), 1)).T if show_text: for i, chid in enumerate(uni_domids): d = D[:, i].astype(int) d *= np.arange(len(d)) + 1 # find the position for the texts #locs = np.where(d)[0] idx = np.where(d)[0] locs = np.split(d[idx], np.where(np.diff(idx)!=1)[0] + 1) for loc in locs: if len(loc) == 1: i = int(loc) pos = x[i-1] - offset else: i = int(np.median(loc)) pos = x[i-1] - offset if axis == 'y': txt = text(d_loc, pos, chid, rotation=-90, color=text_color, horizontalalignment=halign, verticalalignment='center', fontdict=font_dict) else: txt = text(pos, d_loc, chid, color=text_color, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment=valign, fontdict=font_dict) texts.append(txt) if len(color_order): gca().set_prop_cycle('color', color_order) else: gca().set_prop_cycle(None) if axis == 'y': dbars = plot(F, X, linewidth=barwidth, solid_capstyle='butt', drawstyle='steps') for bar in dbars: bar.set_clip_on(False) else: dbars = plot(X, F, linewidth=barwidth, solid_capstyle='butt', drawstyle='steps-post') for bar in dbars: bar.set_clip_on(False) gca().set_prop_cycle(None) bars.extend(dbars) if relim: gca().autoscale_view() start, stop = lim() lim(start, stop) return bars, texts
[docs]def showTree(tree, format='matplotlib', **kwargs): """ Given a tree, creates visualization in different formats. arg tree: Tree needs to be unrooted and should be generated by tree generator from Phylo in biopython, which is used by :meth:`.calcTree` type tree: :class:`~Bio.Phylo.BaseTree.Tree` arg format: depending on the format, you will see different forms of trees. Acceptable formats are ``"plt"`` (or ``"mpl"`` or ``"matplotlib"``), ``"ascii"`` and ``"networkx"``. Default is ``"matplotlib"``. type format: str keyword font_size: font size for branch labels type font_size: float keyword line_width: the line width for each branch type line_width: float """ try: from Bio import Phylo except ImportError: raise ImportError('Phylo module could not be imported. ' 'Reinstall ProDy or install Biopython ' 'to solve the problem.') if format == 'ascii': Phylo.draw_ascii(tree) return elif format in ['plt', 'mpl', 'matplotlib']: from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, xlabel, ylabel from prody.utilities.drawtools import drawTree if SETTINGS['auto_show']: figure() drawTree(tree, **kwargs) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() xlabel('distance') ylabel('') return elif format == 'networkx': node_size = kwargs.pop('node_size', 20) node_color = kwargs.pop('node_color', 'red') node_shape = kwargs.pop('node_shape', 'o') withlabels = kwargs.pop('withlabels', True) scale = kwargs.pop('scale', 1.) iterations = kwargs.pop('iterations', 500) k = kwargs.pop('k', None) obj = showTree_networkx(tree, node_size=node_size, node_color=node_color, node_shape=node_shape, withlabels=withlabels, scale=scale, iterations=iterations, k=k, **kwargs) return obj else: raise ValueError('format should be ascii or plt or networkx.')
[docs]def showTree_networkx(tree, node_size=20, node_color='red', node_shape='o', withlabels=True, scale=1., iterations=500, k=None, **kwargs): """ Given a tree, creates visualization using :mod:`~networkx`. See :func:`~networkx.spring_layout` and :func:`~networkx.draw_networkx_nodes` for more details. arg tree: Tree needs to be unrooted and should be generated by tree generator from Phylo in biopython, which is used by :meth:`.calcTree` type tree: :class:`~Bio.Phylo.BaseTree.Tree` """ from Bio import Phylo import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl try: import networkx except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install networkx to use this function.') G = Phylo.to_networkx(tree) labels = {} colors = [] sizes = [] shape_types = 'so^>v<dph8' shape_groups = {} for s in shape_types: shape_groups[s] = [] nodes = [] for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): lbl = if lbl is None: lbl = '' colors.append('black') sizes.append(0) shape_groups['o'].append(i) else: sizes.append(node_size) if isinstance(node_color, str): nc = node_color else: nc = node_color[lbl] if lbl in node_color else 'red' colors.append(nc) if isinstance(node_shape, str): ns = node_shape else: ns = node_shape[lbl] if lbl in node_shape else 'o' shape_groups[ns].append(i) labels[node] = lbl nodes.append(node) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: mpl.figure() layout = networkx.spring_layout(G, scale=scale, iterations=iterations, k=k) #networkx.draw(G, pos=layout, withlabels=False, node_size=sizes, node_color=colors) networkx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=layout) if np.isscalar(node_shape): networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=layout, label=None, node_size=sizes, node_shape=node_shape, node_color=colors) else: for shape in shape_groups: nodelist = [nodes[i] for i in shape_groups[shape]] nodesizes = [sizes[i] for i in shape_groups[shape]] nodecolors = [colors[i] for i in shape_groups[shape]] if not nodelist: continue networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=layout, label=None, node_size=nodesizes, node_shape=shape, node_color=nodecolors, nodelist=nodelist) if withlabels: fontdict = kwargs.pop('fontdict', None) if fontdict is None: fontsize = kwargs.pop('font_size', 6) fontcolor = kwargs.pop('font_color', 'black') fontdict = {'size': fontsize, 'color': fontcolor} for node, pos in layout.items(): mpl.text(pos[0], pos[1], labels[node], fontdict=fontdict) if SETTINGS['auto_show']: showFigure() return mpl.gca()