Source code for prody.measure.contacts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This module defines a class and function for identifying contacts."""

from numpy import array, ndarray

from prody.atomic import Atomic, Atom, AtomGroup, AtomSubset, Selection
from prody.kdtree import KDTree
from prody.utilities import rangeString, LOGGER

__all__ = ['Contacts', 'iterNeighbors', 'findNeighbors']

[docs]class Contacts(object): """A class for contact identification. Contacts are identified using the coordinates of atoms at the time of instantiation.""" def __init__(self, atoms, unitcell=None): """*atoms* must be an :class:`.Atomic` instance. :arg unitcell: orthorhombic unitcell dimension array with shape ``(3,)`` for KDTree. Default is **None**. :type unitcell: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`""" try: self._acsi = atoms.getACSIndex() except AttributeError: try: self._ag = atoms.getAtoms() unitcell = unitcell or atoms.getUnitcell()[:3] self._indices = atoms.getSelection() except AttributeError: try: ndim, shape = atoms.ndim, atoms.shape except AttributeError: raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic or Frame instance' ', not a {0}'.format(type(atoms))) else: if not (ndim == 2 and shape[1] == 3): raise ValueError('atoms.shape must be (n_atoms, 3) or ' '(3,).') self._ag = None self._indices = None self._kdtree = KDTree(atoms, unitcell=unitcell) else: if self._ag is not None: self._acsi = self._ag.getACSIndex() if self._indices is not None: self._indices = self._indices.getIndices() else: self._acsi = None self._kdtree = KDTree(atoms._getCoords(), unitcell=unitcell) else: try: self._ag = atoms.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: self._ag = atoms self._indices = None self._kdtree = KDTree(atoms._getCoords(), unitcell=unitcell) else: self._indices = atoms._getIndices() self._kdtree = KDTree(atoms._getCoords(), unitcell=unitcell) self._unitcell = unitcell self._atoms = atoms def __repr__(self): return '<Contacts: {0} (active coordset index: {1})>'.format( str(self._atoms), self._acsi) def __str__(self): return 'Contacts ' + str(self._atoms) def __call__(self, radius, center): """Select atoms radius *radius* (Å) of *center*, which can be point(s) in 3-d space (:class:`numpy.ndarray` with shape ``(n_atoms, 3)``) or a set of atoms, e.g. :class:`.Selection`.""" try: center = center._getCoords() except AttributeError: try: ndim, shape = center.ndim, center.shape except AttributeError: raise TypeError('center must be an Atomic instance or a' 'coordinate array') else: if shape == (3,): center = [center] elif not ndim == 2 and shape[1] == 3: raise ValueError('center.shape must be (n_atoms, 3) or' '(3,)') else: if center is None: raise ValueError('center does not have coordinate data') search = get_indices = self._kdtree.getIndices get_count = self._kdtree.getCount indices = set() update = indices.update radius = float(radius) for xyz in center: search(radius, xyz) if get_count(): update(get_indices()) indices = list(indices) if indices: indices.sort() if self._ag is None: return array(indices) else: if self._indices is not None: indices = self._indices[indices] return Selection(self._ag, array(indices), 'index ' + rangeString(indices), acsi=self._acsi, unique=True) select = __call__
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """Returns atoms, or coordinate array, provided at instantiation..""" return self._atoms
[docs] def getUnitcell(self): """Returns unitcell array, or **None** if one was not provided.""" return self._unitcell.copy()
[docs]def iterNeighbors(atoms, radius, atoms2=None, unitcell=None, seqsep=None): """Yield pairs of *atoms* that are within *radius* of each other and the distance between them. If *atoms2* is also provided, one atom from *atoms* and another from *atoms2* will be yielded. If one of *atoms* or *atoms2* is a coordinate array, pairs of indices and distances will be yielded. When orthorhombic *unitcell* dimensions are provided, periodic boundary conditions will be taken into account (see :class:`.KDTree` and also :func:`wrapAtoms` for details). If *atoms* is a :class:`.Frame` instance and *unitcell* is not provided, unitcell information from frame will be used if available. If *seqsep* is provided, neighbors will be kept if the sequence separation >= *seqsep*. Note that *seqsep* will be ignored if atoms are not provided. """ radius = float(radius) if radius <= 0: raise ValueError('radius must be a positive number') try: acsi = atoms.getACSIndex() except AttributeError: try: ndim, shape = atoms.ndim, atoms.shape except AttributeError: try: uc = atoms.getUnitcell()[:3] except AttributeError: raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic or Frame instance or ' 'a coordinate array') else: coords = atoms._getCoords() ag = atoms.getAtoms() if unitcell is None: unitcell = uc if ag is not None: acsi = ag.getACSIndex() _ = atoms.getSelection() if _: indices = _._getIndices() index = lambda i: indices[i] else: index = lambda i: i else: if ndim > 2: raise ValueError('number of dimensions of coordinate array ' 'must be 1 or 2') coords = atoms ag = None acsi = None else: coords = atoms._getCoords() try: ag = atoms.getAtomGroup() indices = atoms.getIndices() index = lambda i: indices[i] except AttributeError: ag = atoms index = lambda i: i if coords.ndim == 1: coords = array([coords]) warned = False SEQDIST_COORDS_WARNING = 'seqsep is ignored when not using Atomic objects' if atoms2 is None: if len(coords) <= 1: raise ValueError('atoms must be more than 1') kdtree = KDTree(coords, unitcell=unitcell, none=list) _dict = {} if ag is None: for (i, j), r in zip(*kdtree(radius)): if seqsep is not None and not warned: LOGGER.warn(SEQDIST_COORDS_WARNING) warned = True yield (i, j, r) else: for (i, j), r in zip(*kdtree(radius)): a1 = _dict.get(i) if a1 is None: a1 = Atom(ag, index(i), acsi) _dict[i] = a1 a2 = _dict.get(j) if a2 is None: a2 = Atom(ag, index(j), acsi) _dict[j] = a2 if seqsep is None or abs(a1.getResnum() - a2.getResnum()) >= seqsep: yield (a1, a2, r) else: try: coords2 = atoms2._getCoords() except AttributeError: try: ndim, shape = atoms2.ndim, atoms2.shape except AttributeError: raise TypeError('atoms2 must be an Atomic or Frame instance or ' 'a coordinate array') else: if ndim > 2: raise ValueError('number of dimensions of second ' 'coordinate array must be 1 or 2') coords2 = atoms2 ag2 = None acsi2 = None else: try: acsi2 = atoms2.getACSIndex() except AttributeError: acsi2 = None ag2 = None index2 = None else: try: ag2 = atoms2.getAtomGroup() indices2 = atoms2.getIndices() index2 = lambda i: indices2[i] except AttributeError: ag2 = atoms2 index2 = lambda i: i if coords2.ndim == 1: coords2 = array([coords2]) if len(coords) >= len(coords2): kdtree = KDTree(coords, unitcell=unitcell, none=list) _dict = {} if ag is None or ag2 is None: for j, xyz in enumerate(coords2): for i, r in zip(*kdtree(radius, xyz)): if seqsep is not None and not warned: LOGGER.warn(SEQDIST_COORDS_WARNING) warned = True yield (i, j, r) else: for a2 in atoms2.iterAtoms(): for i, r in zip(*kdtree(radius, a2._getCoords())): a1 = _dict.get(i) if a1 is None: a1 = Atom(ag, index(i), acsi) _dict[i] = a1 if seqsep is None or abs(a1.getResnum() - a2.getResnum()) < seqsep: yield (a1, a2, r) else: kdtree = KDTree(coords2, unitcell=unitcell, none=list) _dict = {} if ag is None or ag2 is None: for i, xyz in enumerate(coords): for j, r in zip(*kdtree(radius, xyz)): if seqsep is not None and not warned: LOGGER.warn(SEQDIST_COORDS_WARNING) warned = True yield (i, j, r) else: for a1 in atoms.iterAtoms(): for i, r in zip(*kdtree(radius, a1._getCoords())): a2 = _dict.get(i) if a2 is None: a2 = Atom(ag2, index2(i), acsi2) _dict[i] = a2 if seqsep is None or abs(a1.getResnum() - a2.getResnum()) < seqsep: yield (a1, a2, r)
[docs]def findNeighbors(atoms, radius, atoms2=None, unitcell=None, seqsep=None): """Returns list of neighbors that are within *radius* of each other and the distance between them. See :func:`iterNeighbors` for more details.""" return list(iterNeighbors(atoms, radius, atoms2, unitcell, seqsep))