# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines miscellaneous functions dealing with protein data."""
import numpy as np
from prody.atomic import Atomic, Atom, AtomGroup, Selection, HierView
from prody.utilities import openFile, showFigure, createStringIO, wrapModes
from prody import SETTINGS, PY3K
__all__ = ['view3D', 'showProtein']
[docs]def view3D(*alist, **kwargs):
"""Return a py3Dmol view instance for interactive visualization in
Jupyter notebooks. Available arguments are: width, height (of
the viewer), backgroundColor, zoomTo (a py3Dmol selection to center
around), and style, which is a py3Dmol style object that will be
applied to all atoms in the scene. More complex styling can be achieved
by manipulating the view object directly.
The default style is to show the protein in a rainbow cartoon and
hetero atoms in sticks/spheres.
GNM/ANM Coloring
An array of fluctuation values can be provided with the *data* kwarg
for visualization of GNM/ANM calculations. The array is assumed to
correpond to a calpha selection of the provided protein.
The default color will be set to a RWB color scheme on a per-residue
basis. If the fluctuation vector contains negative values, the
midpoint (white) will be at zero. Otherwise the midpoint is the mean.
An array of displacement vectors can be provided with the *mode* kwarg.
The animation of these motions can be controlled with frames (number
of frames to animate over), amplitude (scaling factor), and animate
(3Dmol.js animate options). If animation isn't enabled, by default
arrows are drawn. Drawing of arrows is controlled by the boolean arrows
option and the arrowcolor option.
If multiple structures are provided with the data or mode arguments, these
arguments must be provided as lists of arrays of the appropriate dimension.
If a 3Dmol.js viewer as specified as the view argument, that viewer will be
modified and returned. After modification, update instead of show should
be called on the viewer object if it is desired to update in-place
instead of instantiating a new viewer.
import py3Dmol
raise ImportError('py3Dmol needs to be installed to use view3D')
from .pdbfile import writePDBStream
width = kwargs.get('width', 400)
height = kwargs.get('height', 400)
data_list = kwargs.pop('data', None)
modes = kwargs.pop('mode', None)
style = kwargs.pop('style', [])
zoomto = kwargs.pop('zoomto', {})
bgcolor = kwargs.pop('backgroundcolor', 'white')
bgcolor = kwargs.pop('backgroundColor', bgcolor)
frames = kwargs.pop('frames', 30)
interval = kwargs.pop('interval', 1)
anim = kwargs.pop('anim', False)
scale = kwargs.pop('scale', 100)
arrows = kwargs.pop('arrows',True)
arrowcolor = kwargs.pop('arrowcolor', 'darkgrey')
arrowcolor = kwargs.pop('arrowColor', arrowcolor)
if modes is None:
n_modes = 0
modes = wrapModes(modes)
n_modes = len(modes)
if data_list is None:
n_data = 0
data_list = wrapModes(data_list)
n_data = len(data_list)
view = kwargs.get('view', None)
js = kwargs.get('js', 'https://3dmol.csb.pitt.edu/build/3Dmol-min.js')
if view is None:
view = py3Dmol.view(width=width, height=height, js=js)
def _mapData(atoms, data):
# construct map from residue to data property
propmap = []
for j, a in enumerate(atoms.calpha):
propmap.append({'model': -1, 'chain': a.getChid(), 'resi': int(a.getResnum()),
'props': {'data': float(data[j]) } })
# set the atom property
# TODO: implement something more efficient on the 3Dmol.js side (this is O(n*m)!)
# color by property using gradient
extreme = np.max(np.abs(data))
lo = -extreme if np.min(data) < 0 else 0
mid = np.mean(data) if np.min(data) >= 0 else 0
view.setColorByProperty({'model': -1}, 'data', 'rwb', [extreme,lo,mid])
view.setStyle({'model': -1},{'cartoon':{'style':'oval'}})
for i, atoms in enumerate(alist):
pdb = createStringIO()
writePDBStream(pdb, atoms)
view.addAsOneMolecule(pdb.getvalue(), 'pdb')
view.setStyle({'model': -1}, {'cartoon': {'color':'spectrum'}})
view.setStyle({'model': -1, 'hetflag': True}, {'stick':{}})
view.setStyle({'model': -1, 'bonds': 0}, {'sphere':{'radius': 0.5}})
if n_data:
data = data_list[i]
data = data.getArray()
except AttributeError:
if atoms.calpha.numAtoms() != len(data):
raise RuntimeError("Atom count mismatch: {} vs {}. data styling assumes a calpha selection."
.format(atoms.calpha.numAtoms(), len(data)))
_mapData(atoms, data)
if n_modes:
mode = modes[i]
arr = mode.getArray()
is3d = mode.is3d()
except AttributeError:
arr = mode
is3d = len(arr) == atoms.calpha.numAtoms()*3
if is3d:
if atoms.calpha.numAtoms()*3 != len(arr):
raise RuntimeError("Atom count mismatch: {} vs {}. mode animation assumes a calpha selection."
.format(atoms.calpha.numAtoms(), len(arr)//3))
if anim:
# construct map from residue to anm property and dx,dy,dz vectors
propmap = []
for j, a in enumerate(atoms.calpha):
propmap.append({'model': -1, 'chain': a.getChid(), 'resi': int(a.getResnum()),
'props': {'dx': arr[3*j], 'dy': arr[3*j+1], 'dz': arr[3*j+2] } })
# set the atom property
# TODO: implement something more efficient on the 3Dmol.js side (this is O(n*m)!)
elif arrows:
for j, a in enumerate(atoms.calpha):
start = a._getCoords()
dcoords = arr[3*j:3*j+3]
end = start + dcoords * scale
view.addArrow({'start': {'x':start[0], 'y':start[1], 'z':start[2]},
'end': {'x':end[0], 'y':end[1], 'z':end[2]},
'radius': 0.3, 'color': arrowcolor})
if atoms.calpha.numAtoms() != len(arr):
raise RuntimeError("Atom count mismatch: {} vs {}. mode styling assumes a calpha selection."
.format(atoms.calpha.numAtoms(), len(arr)))
_mapData(atoms, arr)
# setting styles ...
if n_modes and anim:
#create vibrations
view.vibrate(frames, scale)
animate = kwargs.get('animate', {'loop':'rock', 'interval':interval})
if isinstance(style, dict):
style = ({}, style)
if isinstance(style, tuple):
styles = [style]
styles = style
for sel, style in styles:
view.setStyle(sel, style)
return view
[docs]def showProtein(*atoms, **kwargs):
"""Show protein representation using :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D`.
This function is designed for generating a quick view of the contents of a
:class:`~.AtomGroup` or :class:`~.Selection`.
Protein atoms matching ``"calpha"`` selection are displayed using solid
lines by picking a random and unique color per chain. Line with can
be adjusted using *lw* argument, e.g. ``lw=12``. Default width is 4.
Chain colors can be overwritten using chain identifier as in ``A='green'``.
Water molecule oxygen atoms are represented by red colored circles. Color
can be changed using *water* keyword argument, e.g. ``water='aqua'``.
Water marker and size can be changed using *wmarker* and *wsize* keywords,
defaults values are ``wmarker='.', wsize=6``.
Hetero atoms matching ``"hetero and noh"`` selection are represented by
circles and unique colors are picked at random on a per residue basis.
Colors can be customized using residue name as in ``NAH='purple'``. Note
that this will color all distinct residues with the same name in the same
color. Hetero atom marker and size can be changed using *hmarker* and
*hsize* keywords, default values are ``hmarker='o', hsize=6``.
ProDy will set the size of axis so the representation is not distorted when
the shape of figure window is close to a square. Colors are picked at
random, except for water oxygens which will always be colored red.
*** Interactive 3D Rendering in Jupyter Notebook ***
If py3Dmol has been imported then it will be used instead to display
an interactive viewer. See :func:`view3D`
from prody.dynamics.mode import Mode
method = kwargs.pop('draw', None)
modes = kwargs.get('mode', None)
scale = kwargs.get('scale', 100)
# modes need to be specifically a list or a tuple (cannot be an array)
if modes is None:
n_modes = 0
modes = wrapModes(modes)
n_modes = len(modes)
if method is None:
import sys
if 'py3Dmol' in sys.modules:
method = 'py3Dmol'
method = 'matplotlib'
method = method.lower()
alist = atoms
for atoms in alist:
if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance')
if n_modes and n_modes != len(alist):
raise RuntimeError('the number of proteins ({0}) does not match that of the modes ({1}).'
.format(len(alist), n_modes))
if '3dmol' in method:
mol = view3D(*alist, **kwargs)
return mol
kwargs.pop('mode', None)
kwargs.pop('scale', 100)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
cf = plt.gcf()
show = None
for child in cf.get_children():
if isinstance(child, Axes3D):
show = child
if show is None:
show = cf.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection="3d")
from matplotlib import colors
cnames = dict(colors.cnames)
wcolor = kwargs.get('water', 'red').lower()
avoid = np.array(colors.hex2color(cnames.pop(wcolor, cnames.pop('red'))))
for cn, val in cnames.copy().items(): # PY3K: OK
clr = np.array(colors.hex2color(val))
if clr.sum() > 2.4:
elif np.abs(avoid - clr).sum() <= 0.6:
cnames = list(cnames)
import random
cnames_copy = list(cnames)
min_ = list()
max_ = list()
for i, atoms in enumerate(alist):
if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
title = atoms.getTitle()
title = atoms.getAtomGroup().getTitle()
calpha = atoms.select('calpha')
if calpha:
partition = False
mode = modes[i] if n_modes else None
if mode is not None:
is3d = False
arr = mode.getArray()
is3d = mode.is3d()
n_nodes = mode.numAtoms()
except AttributeError:
arr = mode
is3d = len(arr) == len(calpha)*3
n_nodes = len(arr)//3 if is3d else len(arr)
if n_nodes != len(calpha):
raise RuntimeError('size mismatch between the protein ({0} residues) and the mode ({1} nodes).'
.format(len(calpha), n_nodes))
partition = not is3d
if partition:
xyz = calpha._getCoords()
chids = calpha.getChids()
rbody = []
last_sign = np.sign(arr[0])
last_chid = chids[0]
rcolor = ['red', 'red', 'blue']
n = 1
for i,a in enumerate(arr):
s = np.sign(a)
ch = chids[i]
if s == 0: s = last_sign
if last_sign != s or i == len(arr)-1 or last_chid != ch:
if last_chid == ch:
show.plot(xyz[rbody, 0], xyz[rbody, 1], xyz[rbody, 2],
label=title + '_regid%d'%n,
lw=kwargs.get('lw', 4))
rbody = []
n += 1
last_sign = s
last_chid = ch
for ch in HierView(calpha, chain=True):
xyz = ch._getCoords()
chid = ch.getChid()
if len(cnames) == 0:
cnames = list(cnames_copy)
show.plot(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2],
label=title + '_' + chid,
color=kwargs.get(chid, cnames.pop()).lower(),
lw=kwargs.get('lw', 4))
if mode is not None:
from prody.utilities.drawtools import drawArrow3D
XYZ = calpha._getCoords()
arr = arr.reshape((n_nodes, 3))
XYZ2 = XYZ + arr * scale
for i, xyz in enumerate(XYZ):
xyz2 = XYZ2[i]
mutation_scale = kwargs.pop('mutation_scale', 10)
drawArrow3D(xyz, xyz2, mutation_scale=mutation_scale, **kwargs)
water = atoms.select('water and noh')
if water:
xyz = atoms.select('water')._getCoords()
show.plot(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], label=title + '_water',
ls='None', marker=kwargs.get('wmarker', '.'),
ms=kwargs.get('wsize', 6))
hetero = atoms.select('not protein and not nucleic and not water and not dummy')
if hetero:
for res in HierView(hetero).iterResidues():
xyz = res._getCoords()
resname = res.getResname()
resnum = str(res.getResnum())
chid = res.getChid()
if len(cnames) == 0:
cnames = list(cnames_copy)
show.plot(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], ls='None',
color=kwargs.get(resname, cnames.pop()).lower(),
label=title + '_' + chid + '_' + resname + resnum,
marker=kwargs.get('hmarker', 'o'),
ms=kwargs.get('hsize', 6))
xyz = atoms._getCoords()
min_ = np.array(min_).min(0)
max_ = np.array(max_).max(0)
center = (max_ + min_) / 2
half = (max_ - min_).max() / 2
show.set_xlim3d(center[0]-half, center[0]+half)
show.set_ylim3d(center[1]-half, center[1]+half)
show.set_zlim3d(center[2]-half, center[2]+half)
if kwargs.get('legend', False):
show.legend(prop={'size': 10})
if SETTINGS['auto_show']:
return show